Lost 70 pounds.. everyone I started with has quit

I went from 290 to 220 until holiday break came. I started last January and I will say it’s hard to keep up with your diet when you have poor influences around you. All but one friend on this app is still pushing towards their goal. Everyone else has quit and it just started getting hard! Lol I will lose another 30 lbs by the end of summer. I’m 6’1” and I just want to be in the “normal weight” category. I need more people in my friends group to motivate me to keep up my tracking. I will motivate as well. Keep hustling!


  • sljjjembeca
    sljjjembeca Posts: 40 Member
    Add me if you like, working at losing 20 by June 20, new to community, hoping to inspire and be inspired, looking for new workout ideas, I run, that’s it :( need to add strength training for sure !!
  • Rushinwgtloss
    Rushinwgtloss Posts: 11 Member
    Its lonely at the top. Only the dedicated resides there. Keep you head up!!!!
  • zugmeister
    zugmeister Posts: 23 Member
    Totally sounds familiar. I was at 280 on 2-29-2017 when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and said to myself "screw that!". I'm 213 (as of this AM) and trying to figure out how to exercise in the gym without hurting myself. Let's do this thing!
  • melaniemkatcher77
    melaniemkatcher77 Posts: 22 Member
    You can add me. I'm always looking for more motivation. I'm struggling with the scale right now but I think my body is in muscle gain. So for the next month I refuse to get in the scale and only take weekly pics to keep me going