Goal to lose 15kg looking for recipe ideas

Hi I am looking for help with low calorie recipe ideas to help me with my weight loss journey


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited February 2018
    To lose weight, you have to eat less, and boring as that sounds, it's much easier to do that than to eat less AND according to someone else's preferences. You can eat food you like, so you can use any recipes you want, you just have to adjust amounts/portions to fit it into your total daily calorie goal.
  • NenaPunPun2241
    NenaPunPun2241 Posts: 73 Member
    You’ll have better luck on the food discussion thread instead if the introduce yo self one
    Also, you can just google low calorie recipes for things you already enjoy eating
    Just make sure you’re not eating things that have high calories and aren’t filling