Starting again :)

Hi all:

I'm jumping back in to healthy eating. About 6 months ago I let stress & some medical issues derail my lifestyle & I've put back on the 20lbs I had lost, and then a few more. I'd like to lose about 40lbs, and know what I need to do --- I just need some motivation & accountability so here I am. I've done weight watchers & other plans, but really just want something basic where I watch my intake & choose healthy options.



  • Grammytryingtogetfit
    You can do it!!!
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi Christie, I can relate completely. I've fallen off the wagon and it ran over me! A few months ago, I went to the ER, by BP was way, way up there. That should have been my wake up call, right? In my head it was, but my actions did not show it. Last week, my daughter graduation from high school early. I hated all the picture. Reminded my why I dodge cameras. Her big graduation is in May, I am going to be happy to stand in front of the camera by then. Good luck to you. Feel free to send a friend request, if you'd like. Let's do this.
  • alisatodd
    alisatodd Posts: 10 Member
    Jumping back in as well! I've been consistently exercising but my food habits have fallen by the wayside this winter. :(