


  • CrashTestKing
    CrashTestKing Posts: 7 Member
    I've heard one doctor/nutritionist after another say repeatedly that you can absolutely lose weight dieting without exercise, but the reverse is almost never true.

    Rather than dropping the diet, try changing it up. Go online and look up tasty recipes that are relatively healthy, or experiment on your own by taking less-than-healthful recipes and seeing if you can create a healthy variation. If you're not good in the kitchen (I wasn't, I could barely do Kraft Mac & Cheese 2 years ago!), take a cooking class or something.

    I'm 100% positive that if I weren't preparing so much of my own food from scratch, that I wouldn't have been this successful at losing weight (starting from 320, more than 80 pounds down now, and the first 70 was purely from eating better). And I couldn't prepare so much from scratch if I didn't force myself to learn my way around the kitchen.

    It's great to hear that you like the exercise though. That's a hurdle I think most people with weigh-loss goals struggle with, and even the ones that get over it often never really "like" it.
  • ashleyandbrian3
    ashleyandbrian3 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks to all of y'all! I'm going to stick with working out. Water, water, water & cooking healthier and eating at home instead of out, along with watching my calories!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,532 Member
    It will be difficult, if not nearly impossible to outsport too many calories. Think about it: a normal bag of crisps with 150gr has about 700kcal. As a woman it's very difficult to burn so many calories doing sport. Unless you're a professional athlete your body doesn't like running running 10 miles every single day.