Omelettes/Eggs - what do you fry them in?



  • keto1777
    keto1777 Posts: 23 Member
    Awesome! Thanks guys for all your tips!!!!

    Everything sounds so good...lots of different ways for me to try now! :-)

    (I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to spray nonstick pans...whoops! Good to know!)

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Butter. Typically a TBSP...
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I purchased one of those copper pans and with a quick burst of Pam everything slides right out. I like this $20 pan much better than my expensive nonstick cookware. I am considering buying a whole set of it.
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    Sunna_W wrote: »
    My favorite way to make eggs though is a frittata (rather than an omelette) - with a large thinly sliced potato and an onion spread on the bottom (I cook them first in the pan with 1 tbsp olive oil and enough water to simmer them in until they are done, with cover on) then I take the cover off to cook off most of the remaining water; I add fresh spinach, 1/2 cup of cheese, sometimes pancetta, and cover with 8 eggs that have been blended and top with salt and pepper. I cook covered on low heat until the eggs are set, then, I run it under the broiler (still with the lid on) until the top is set.

    It makes 4 generous servings that are filling and taste great cold, with the added value of giving me some resistant starch.

    Oh, that sounds delicious! I'm going to give that a try this week -- thanks!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I use a nonstick pan plus a few sprays of olive oil from my Misto sprayer - which is an alternative to disposable cans of nonstick spray (plus you can use any sort of oil you choose):
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    For my two scrambled eggs, I use 2 g of butter, which is about 15 calories. If I'm out of butter I'll use olive oil.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    keto1777 wrote: »
    Hey guys - do you all use butter, oil, or spray to cook your eggs in? If butter or oil, do you measure it out? How much oil do you use? A tablespoon of butter is 100 calories...oil usually a lot of calories just in that alone!

    For omelettes, do you fry up your veggies first in whatever your fat of choice & then just pour the egg in once they’re softened?

    If it's a savoury omelette then I'll use olive oil, I usually have mushroom and spinach in savoury so I'll use 1/2 tablespoon to cook mushrooms and spinach then another 1/2 tablespoon to cook the actual omelette.

    With a sweet omelette I'll use 5g of coconut oil to start the bananas frying and then just add the egg straight over the caramelising bananas.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Cooking spray.

    Omelettes make me gag now though.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    keto1777 wrote: »
    Hey guys - do you all use butter, oil, or spray to cook your eggs in? If butter or oil, do you measure it out? How much oil do you use? A tablespoon of butter is 100 calories...oil usually a lot of calories just in that alone!

    For omelettes, do you fry up your veggies first in whatever your fat of choice & then just pour the egg in once they’re softened?

    A Tbsp of butter would be an *kitten* ton of butter for an omelette or frying up some eggs...

    I use about a tsp of butter or coconut oil cooking spray when we have it on hand.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    Spray oil.
  • Tedo201
    Tedo201 Posts: 49 Member
    Always butter...I feel oil makes it come out too greasy and cooking spray doesn't keep the eggs from sticking a bit to the bottom.
  • katlyngronwoldt85
    katlyngronwoldt85 Posts: 49 Member
    My husband bought me some Racheal Ray non-stick pans for Christmas and you don't need any oil!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    We used to use olive oil exclusively but have made the switch to avocado oil for anything we fry because although we tried to stick to low temps when using olive oil, sometimes you're just in a hurry. I don't mind the calories because I don't eat a lot of other fat (I use low fat dairy, skinless chicken breasts, trim my meat etc).
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Usually canola oil spray. If I saute veggies first, then olive oil.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    crazyravr wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Cooking spray.

    Omelettes make me gag now though.

    What why?

    My friends SO apparently had an egg issue growing up (Forced consumption maybe?) and he literally gags at just the smell- it's the most bizarre thing ever- I live and die by the egg.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I use a non-stick pan so that you don't need to use anything. However, if I'm looking for added flavor, I might use a spray butter or spray olive oil - not Pam though.
  • KeithWhiteJr
    KeithWhiteJr Posts: 233 Member
    Maybe this is a stupid question, but aren't sprays like "Pam" 0 calories?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Maybe this is a stupid question, but aren't sprays like "Pam" 0 calories?

    For about 1/4 of a second sprayed. Legally a product can say it’s 0 calories if a serving has less than 5 calories.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    keto1777 wrote: »
    Hey guys - do you all use butter, oil, or spray to cook your eggs in? If butter or oil, do you measure it out? How much oil do you use? A tablespoon of butter is 100 calories...oil usually a lot of calories just in that alone!

    For omelettes, do you fry up your veggies first in whatever your fat of choice & then just pour the egg in once they’re softened?

    Just enough butter to coat the pan. I weigh a stick of butter first, zero out my scale, and then weigh the butter after rubbing the pan. It's usually around 10 grams - which is 60-70 calories.