
sjcply Posts: 817 Member
Just curious if you have lost your weight, how are you maintaining? Are you still logging everyday, how much exercise? I have not adjusted my calories to show maintaining yet? I am at a cycle where I gain over the weekends then I work hard during week to lose what I gained (2-3 lbs) so should I change it? I have cut back exercise to about 4 days a week instead of 6. I have allowed some bad eating days lately:noway: , and I dont want to let that old habit back in, but I dont want to restrict myself either.

Just curious to see what everyone else is doing?


  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I've been maintaining my weight since January 2010 and I have adjusted my calories to maintenance and as a result I've not seen an increase in weight. My weight does fluctuate 2-3 lbs depending on how late I ate and when I weigh in but nothing that has me concerned. I still workout daily but allow myself to indulge here and there. Recently I'v been doing a lot of mini vacays (LA for Memorial Day, Philly for July 4th and Boston this weekend) and have allowed myself to be mindful of my food but to still eat what I want. I have however exercised during both of the previous vacations and plan to do so when in Boston as well.

    My history has shown that once I reach my goal weight I begin to slack and before I know it the weight has returned so to not fall into that pattern this time around I've continued my exercise routine. I'll admit some days are harder than others to exercise but I continue to make myself do it.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Thanks, I am in the same boat as you! I plan to continue my exercise, so that I can indulge a little too!