New here

Hello all. I'm Heather. I'm 39 years old. I have 100 pounds to lose. For a little over a year I've been using Weight Watchers and it helped me lose 65 pounds. But, now there is a new program and that program, I think, is TOO free style for me! I think I need to track all of my food for a while anyway. I lost the 65 pounds in the first six months and I have been off and on WW for the past 8 months. Basically maintaining the weight loss. I've just been without much motivation! I'm hoping that by changing to a different type of tracking I will find my motivation return. We shall see.


  • sunnycloud82
    sunnycloud82 Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome Heather! I have found that tracking works best for me too. I can't be too "free" with my food choices. I have about 75 more pounds to lose. I'd love to stay connected with you. Best to you on your journey! :)