My Ladies Who Lift!



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    the older pictures on the bottom row are from around the time I was starting to work with the trainer. On my own I had been doing squats, leg press, bicep curls, lat pull down, assisted pull ups, seated rows--pretty much all the machines.

    My trainer has me doing something different pretty much every time. Some workouts are more machine oriented, some are more dumbbell oriented, and occasionally it will be focused on kettlebell stuff. One time we spent 45 minutes doing all kinds of stuff on the heavy bag! At one point he pulled it down and had me flipping it, then punching it. Another day was all body weight exercises--push ups, sit ups, front lunges and side lunges ( he used a deck of cards to dictate order and number of reps). He is writing down the workouts for me, so I have a selection of workouts to do when I am not working with him.
    Sorry I meant more what type of training:
    strength/speed/power: 1-5 reps
    Hypertrophy: 6-12 reps
    endurance: 13+

    And I think it's awesome that you're incorporating bodyweight stuff. I'm hoping to do more of that myself. Also awesome that you have support from someone who will push you.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    the older pictures on the bottom row are from around the time I was starting to work with the trainer. On my own I had been doing squats, leg press, bicep curls, lat pull down, assisted pull ups, seated rows--pretty much all the machines.

    My trainer has me doing something different pretty much every time. Some workouts are more machine oriented, some are more dumbbell oriented, and occasionally it will be focused on kettlebell stuff. One time we spent 45 minutes doing all kinds of stuff on the heavy bag! At one point he pulled it down and had me flipping it, then punching it. Another day was all body weight exercises--push ups, sit ups, front lunges and side lunges ( he used a deck of cards to dictate order and number of reps). He is writing down the workouts for me, so I have a selection of workouts to do when I am not working with him.
    Sorry I meant more what type of training:
    strength/speed/power: 1-5 reps
    Hypertrophy: 6-12 reps
    endurance: 13+

    And I think it's awesome that you're incorporating bodyweight stuff. I'm hoping to do more of that myself. Also awesome that you have support from someone who will push you.

    mostly hypertrophy.

    Brian was on vacation this week, and the routine he left me was insane!

    1 mile on the track (timed)

    push ups to failure

    1 minute of crunches

    front lunges ( 12-15 reps, 3 sets)

    side lunges ( 12-15 reps, 3 sets)

    calf raises ( elevated platform, 12-15 reps, 3 sets)

    then he wanted me to do 2 rounds of :

    lap on the track/ sit ups
    lap on the track/push ups
    lap on the track/front lunges
    lap on the track/side lunges
    lap on the track/calf raises

    then ab crunch machine and torso rotation machine.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I really think is a really great website because they have all the info in once place as well as lots of plans to suit your needs. One thing I would recommend is using measurements or BF scales to help track your progress rather than just focusing on the weight. Another thing would be to add some HIIT (High intensity interval training) to a weights program as it will burn a lot of calories while increasing your strength i.e help you lower body fat given you a more 'toned' look. In terms of HIIT a circuit is a good place to start. There are a lot of replies here, so hopefully you have all the info you need. Don't be scared of lifting. Just keep your diet really simple and clean and you'll start to see results soon :)
    I did HIIT. Specifically Spartacus. The popular one here is p90x. Spartacus was great fun, great endurance wise. I'd put it closer to the cardio side then strength training. It's great when your weights are progressing which they well at first, so you get that little boost of preserving lbm more then before (if you were doing nothing). But then it kind of stalls. I couldn't get past using 2 20lb dumbbells, and 20 was super heavy for that stuff. It was just more endurance-e and cardioish so I couldn't get the weights up, even though I lift significantly more now I still don't think I'd get past 20s. Definitely better then nothing tho. Its great for improving cardiovascular stuff but realistically I lift more when I carry my bookbag around. That said, I still do Spartacus occasionally. The more endurance I have the more stairs I can rush past at school. But the stronger I get the firmer I get, so I prefer heavy lifting. It also made all my back problems go poof.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    the older pictures on the bottom row are from around the time I was starting to work with the trainer. On my own I had been doing squats, leg press, bicep curls, lat pull down, assisted pull ups, seated rows--pretty much all the machines.

    My trainer has me doing something different pretty much every time. Some workouts are more machine oriented, some are more dumbbell oriented, and occasionally it will be focused on kettlebell stuff. One time we spent 45 minutes doing all kinds of stuff on the heavy bag! At one point he pulled it down and had me flipping it, then punching it. Another day was all body weight exercises--push ups, sit ups, front lunges and side lunges ( he used a deck of cards to dictate order and number of reps). He is writing down the workouts for me, so I have a selection of workouts to do when I am not working with him.
    Sorry I meant more what type of training:
    strength/speed/power: 1-5 reps
    Hypertrophy: 6-12 reps
    endurance: 13+

    And I think it's awesome that you're incorporating bodyweight stuff. I'm hoping to do more of that myself. Also awesome that you have support from someone who will push you.

    mostly hypertrophy.

    Brian was on vacation this week, and the routine he left me was insane!

    1 mile on the track (timed)

    push ups to failure

    1 minute of crunches

    front lunges ( 12-15 reps, 3 sets)

    side lunges ( 12-15 reps, 3 sets)

    calf raises ( elevated platform, 12-15 reps, 3 sets)

    then he wanted me to do 2 rounds of :

    lap on the track/ sit ups
    lap on the track/push ups
    lap on the track/front lunges
    lap on the track/side lunges
    lap on the track/calf raises

    then ab crunch machine and torso rotation machine.
    wicked! And you're right, that is insane :tongue: gluck with it! I'd call it more endurance for sure, particularly when it's all put together. I bet you could run laps around your old self now.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    the older pictures on the bottom row are from around the time I was starting to work with the trainer. On my own I had been doing squats, leg press, bicep curls, lat pull down, assisted pull ups, seated rows--pretty much all the machines.

    My trainer has me doing something different pretty much every time. Some workouts are more machine oriented, some are more dumbbell oriented, and occasionally it will be focused on kettlebell stuff. One time we spent 45 minutes doing all kinds of stuff on the heavy bag! At one point he pulled it down and had me flipping it, then punching it. Another day was all body weight exercises--push ups, sit ups, front lunges and side lunges ( he used a deck of cards to dictate order and number of reps). He is writing down the workouts for me, so I have a selection of workouts to do when I am not working with him.
    Sorry I meant more what type of training:
    strength/speed/power: 1-5 reps
    Hypertrophy: 6-12 reps
    endurance: 13+

    And I think it's awesome that you're incorporating bodyweight stuff. I'm hoping to do more of that myself. Also awesome that you have support from someone who will push you.

    mostly hypertrophy.

    Brian was on vacation this week, and the routine he left me was insane!

    1 mile on the track (timed)

    push ups to failure

    1 minute of crunches

    front lunges ( 12-15 reps, 3 sets)

    side lunges ( 12-15 reps, 3 sets)

    calf raises ( elevated platform, 12-15 reps, 3 sets)

    then he wanted me to do 2 rounds of :

    lap on the track/ sit ups
    lap on the track/push ups
    lap on the track/front lunges
    lap on the track/side lunges
    lap on the track/calf raises

    then ab crunch machine and torso rotation machine.
    wicked! And you're right, that is insane :tongue: gluck with it! I'd call it more endurance for sure, particularly when it's all put together. I bet you could run laps around your old self now.

    I definitely could run laps around the person I was 6 months ago! It's funny, but one of my NSVs from last month is that an older lady ( 65+) at the gym approached me to tell me that Brian is TOUGH on me, trains me like I'm a guy...but that it is working, and I look awesome :blushing: :love:
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    I started lifting in April using Stronglifts, It's a 3 day a week routine with alternating basic exercises.

    "A" day is squats/ bench press/ rows
    "B" day is squats/ overhead press/ deadlifts.

    I train with my dad at home.

    It's an easy enough routine.

    Whatever you choose, watch your form and don't give up. I still have so much fat you cannot see the muscles but I (and hubby :blushing: ) and feel them. And I feel strong.

    I think you'll like lifting. :drinker:
    This is the program I do. But any heavy lifting (85% your max which is about 5 reps) program well do. But I hated the frig out of it...until I gave it a chance. So whatever you do, give it a fair chance.
    This is what I do! I have not used a trainer and learned my form from watching clips on YouTube. My progress pics are in my profile. I am at just under 4 months. I have done no cardio to this point. This may soon change but I am happy with what I have seen.
  • VikiDaKimi
    VikiDaKimi Posts: 7 Member
    Stronglifts, then? I took a look at 5x5 and it seems quite short for such an effective program. I've also seen others who claim to have used this and light cardio and has seen some amazing results. And this is a free method?

    Anyone can contest Stronglifts as a good starting base to go with something else? Or is this a great beginner method to getting into weight-lifting?
  • tatasmagik
    tatasmagik Posts: 185
    Stronglifts, then? I took a look at 5x5 and it seems quite short for such an effective program. I've also seen others who claim to have used this and light cardio and has seen some amazing results. And this is a free method?

    Anyone can contest Stronglifts as a good starting base to go with something else? Or is this a great beginner method to getting into weight-lifting?

    I started this July 12 with heavy-for-me dumbbells at the gym and have gradually moved up so that now I squat 80#, bench 70#, deadlift 110#, and OHP 55#. I read about it a lot, watched a lot of videos, and asked the gym owner to show me how to do a thing or two. Otherwise, I just dove in without (IRL) help. You will know your limits as you move up.

    Good luck!
  • JKS76
    JKS76 Posts: 54 Member
    Stronglifts 5 X 5 is great and there is a brilliant support group on here (targeted mainly at women) that will answer any questions you have on the way. I have been lifting since January and LOVE it! I have seen some brilliant changes to my body and I am so much stronger than I was. Definitely an exercise addict now whereas I could never stick to anything before.
    I started with a beginner program I found on youtube by Nia Shanks (lifting "guru"/ bit of a heroine of mine) called Women's beginning strength training guide to lifting like a girl. She just talks over a series of slides but it's very easy to follow and she has other resources online on her site. Hope that helps. Please add me and I will answer any questions if I can .
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I started lifting in April using Stronglifts, It's a 3 day a week routine with alternating basic exercises.

    "A" day is squats/ bench press/ rows
    "B" day is squats/ overhead press/ deadlifts.

    I train with my dad at home.

    It's an easy enough routine.

    Whatever you choose, watch your form and don't give up. I still have so much fat you cannot see the muscles but I (and hubby :blushing: ) and feel them. And I feel strong.

    I think you'll like lifting. :drinker:
    This is the program I do. But any heavy lifting (85% your max which is about 5 reps) program well do. But I hated the frig out of it...until I gave it a chance. So whatever you do, give it a fair chance.
    This is what I do! I have not used a trainer and learned my form from watching clips on YouTube. My progress pics are in my profile. I am at just under 4 months. I have done no cardio to this point. This may soon change but I am happy with what I have seen.
    No trainer here either, just picked it up on my own. I find that a lot of the stronglifts or heavy lifting compound people have significant results when they stick to it. The kind of things you only see in magazines. Heck I'd put my *kitten* in a magazine and I'm doing things 'half assed' and have seen a big difference at approximately the same weight.
