Recovery after massive cheat...anyone???



  • glocke12
    glocke12 Posts: 21
    Dont worry about it too much but do use it as a learning experience.

    After two weeks of being good on my diet I binged on a bag of blue corn chips and container of Hummus last night around ten pm...

    Both were gone in one setting... :(

    What have I learned from that ?

    Until I am able to exercise more self control I have no business keeping that kind of food in the house...
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    cheat days are good for you. keeps you in check. just go back to what you did for the past two weeks. then have another one in two more.
  • ShivikaChandra
    Hi guys,
    I'm a massive chocolate lover. I ate a entire block of cadbury black forest chocolate. I haven't cheated on my diet in 2 weeks (1500 calories a day + 300calories burnt off on most days). I feel really sick. Can someone please tell me how to recover after a massive cheat like this? Do I have to fast the next day?
    1500+300 cals burnt off as in 1500-300=1200 cals? I'd eat a chocolate bar to!

    Looks delicious btw

    It was actually a lot bigger than that. The actual size was this;2RNCNFtJY66iwM;;;188;350

    but will definitely improve from 2mrw
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    cheat days are good for you. keeps you in check. just go back to what you did for the past two weeks. then have another one in two more.

    no, food diaries and measuring things out are what keep you in check.

    cheat meals are what give you some relief from all that.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Hi guys,
    I'm a massive chocolate lover. I ate a entire block of cadbury black forest chocolate. I haven't cheated on my diet in 2 weeks (1500 calories a day + 300calories burnt off on most days). I feel really sick. Can someone please tell me how to recover after a massive cheat like this? Do I have to fast the next day?
    1500+300 cals burnt off as in 1500-300=1200 cals? I'd eat a chocolate bar to!

    Looks delicious btw

    It was actually a lot bigger than that. The actual size was this;2RNCNFtJY66iwM;;;188;350

    but will definitely improve from 2mrw
    What's the inside taste like? Is there crunchy bits or truffly bits or something? I'm love with the cookie crunch version.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    You definitely shouldn't punish yourself like that. Cheat days are good for you, and if you feel like you over did it, oh well! Get right back on track the next day, get plenty of rest, water, and exercise.
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    Water and forget it. the very next day you could drop carbs as your body won't be craving them but apart from that don't really change anything, that will only make days down the line harder.
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    did the chocolate provide you with all the protein, vitamins and minerals you'll need for tomorrow? no? then eat properly!

  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    Just keep going, hon! :flowerforyou: I don't think you should fast, IMHO.

    Not a doctor or fitness professional here, but you still need to fuel your body w/ the 'good stuff'. FOOD is nutrition!
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Put it behind you and move on. Don't punish yourself by not eating tomorrow.

    This. AND
    Drink lots of water. Chocolate is not a bad thing per se - but try to train your taste buds away from the sicky sweet variety and try some 85% cocoa chocolate. That's what I eat when I have a cocoa craving and its so strong that I couldnt eat a whole bar.

    We all have our betes noir - chocolate was invented by the angels, and then the devil put the calories in! Unfortunately its one of those things we have to live with - chocolate, cheese and hot new baked bread are all mine - but I have to exercise an iron will to limit them.
    good luck.
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    Don't beat yourself up! You are HUMAN after all :) No need for fasting or "recovery". Just move on, today's a new day :)
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    I can never tell if these are goof posts.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't restrict yourself from eating unless your stomach is still upset. It's a mishap, but just move on! You haven't derailed yourself at all.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    It's not cheating, it's eating. You don't need to "recover" or atone for this. Just carry on as normal. Fasting for a day because you ate too much chocolate only sets you up for a really bad relationship with food where you alternate between over-eating and punishing yourself for it. You haven't failed, you just ate a bit more than you intended to. Carry on as you were. Your success doesn't rest on what you eat on isolated days, it's all about how you eat on a daily basis. If you are prone to eating more than you intend to, then look at ways of preventing that happening in the future.

    You said one of the BEST things I've heard all day.

    the OP is the 2nd post here on MFP, and I just woke up :) to say that their diet is making them sick.

    What is going on with people on diets making their bodies sick??????????????

    I think people ought to rethink their diet and just eat a variety of good foods.. eff these stupid strict diets that eff up people's health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • spidey11186
    spidey11186 Posts: 141 Member
    If you notice, there's a common theme in mostly everyone's responses... stop worrying. Just because you indulged in some sweets (I'm a HUGE chocolate lover too) one day/night, it isn't going to affect your overall progress. Look at Capt Apollo's comment, he's also right, he mentions that everything in moderation is fine. It's true. Having a little dessert every day can help sway those cravings that you felt last night to just keep eating and eating the chocolate. If you can fit in your chocolate into your meal daily, or at least every once in a while, you'll be happier for it. And it will NOT derail you from your goal (which, is close, and wasn't many lbs to begin with, according to your ticker).

    No worries. Get back on the wagon... Enjoy life. Have fun! You can do this!!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Hi guys,
    I'm a massive chocolate lover. I ate a entire block of cadbury black forest chocolate. I haven't cheated on my diet in 2 weeks (1500 calories a day + 300calories burnt off on most days). I feel really sick. Can someone please tell me how to recover after a massive cheat like this? Do I have to fast the next day?

    If you're eating 1500 calories and burning 300 most days, you are probably still in a deficit for the week. You have room in your daily calories for an ounce of chocolate every day if you wanted it, then you wouldn't feel the need to binge and make yourself sick on it.

    I'm not sure if you mean you feel sick to your stomach or if you feel heart sick. If you feel sick to your stomach, eat some yogurt and drink plenty of water today. You'll feel better tomorrow. If you feel heart sick, you need to push past it and move on. You can't go back and undo it. I agree with the poster that said it's not cheating, it's eating. If you love chocolate, eat chocolate once in a while!
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I had a horrible day yesterday brought on by a sudden flat tire and a good bout of stress eating. My dinner alone was 2100 calories. Today is just that- it's not yesterday or a reason to punish myself. The beautiful thing about time is that it allows for a lot of do-overs. Just eat well today.
  • spidey11186
    spidey11186 Posts: 141 Member
    It's not cheating, it's eating. You don't need to "recover" or atone for this. Just carry on as normal. Fasting for a day because you ate too much chocolate only sets you up for a really bad relationship with food where you alternate between over-eating and punishing yourself for it. You haven't failed, you just ate a bit more than you intended to. Carry on as you were. Your success doesn't rest on what you eat on isolated days, it's all about how you eat on a daily basis. If you are prone to eating more than you intend to, then look at ways of preventing that happening in the future.

    You said one of the BEST things I've heard all day.

    the OP is the 2nd post here on MFP, and I just woke up :) to say that their diet is making them sick.

    What is going on with people on diets making their bodies sick??????????????

    I think people ought to rethink their diet and just eat a variety of good foods.. eff these stupid strict diets that eff up people's health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't quite think she's saying that her diet is making her body sick. I'm thinking she's saying that after all the candy (chocolate) from last night, she's not feeling well. Which can make sense, especially if your body isn't used to eating a large amount of the stuff.
  • kbeardmore22
    kbeardmore22 Posts: 283 Member
    Today is a new day, just get back on track! I think we all have days like this sometimes, but the key is to not give up :)!
  • shanniepk
    shanniepk Posts: 98 Member
    Ouch. :noway: Sorry you are not feeling well. As others said, remember how you felt next time that kind of urge hits you and work on finding your trigger and overcoming it. My son overdosed on root beer and candy a few months ago and had a huge stomach ache for a day. He learned:). Just eat extra healthy nutrient rich foods for a few days and you'll feel worlds better.