Loosing then gaining

Hi everyone

Just wanted to post as I'm getting a bit frustrated. I will loose weight at least 2lb a week for a few weeks then I will gain weight back, like this week I gained 4ilbs. I exercise at least 4 times a week, I think maybe I'm slipping on the food side of things and I'm getting really angry with myself. Any advice would be gratefully received!


  • rkasper22
    rkasper22 Posts: 61 Member
    hi michelle! firstly, it's super common for this to happen, so don't beat yourself up! but i see you don't have a food diary... have you been tracking? what have you been eating? they say that exercise is only 20% of weightloss and i believe it. the food makes a bigger difference!
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Log your food. It's the only way to know what your patterns are and to nip any bad ones in the bud. It's easy to think we are eating healthily when we have cut out a lot of the crap we used to eat but a lot of foods still have a high calorie count despite being good for you.

    Good luck x
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Do you track and weigh your food???? If not this is where your problem is, logging is the key...... Best of Luck
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Do you track and weigh your food???? If not this is where your problem is, logging is the key...... Best of Luck

    Absolutely correct. Buy a food scale if you don't have one. Also, stay off the scale and just weigh every 2 - 3 weeks. Use a measuring tape and your clothes to let you know what's happening to your body. My weight can fluctuate +/- 4-5 pounds in a day. Good luck.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Hi everyone

    Just wanted to post as I'm getting a bit frustrated. I will loose weight at least 2lb a week for a few weeks then I will gain weight back, like this week I gained 4ilbs. I exercise at least 4 times a week, I think maybe I'm slipping on the food side of things and I'm getting really angry with myself. Any advice would be gratefully received!

    This is why.

    Calorie deficit = weight loss

    If you don't follow the left side of that equation, don't be surprised when the right side doesn't happen.
  • daddydog69
    daddydog69 Posts: 17 Member
    Exactly on my mind....my love of good beers and wines especially in the summer makes my battle of the scale a greased pole....I lose then gain.... I have not cheated on my diet diary....I have been over up to 2900 calories on some days, and under on others....ive gained about 6 back after my lowest weight, but this week got 2 back...I'm just upping my cardio to counteract my input. I realize the alcohol is empty calories and leads to stupid eating....but its SUMMERTIME and I'm staying aware. Keep up the fight...Ill have a Dogfish 60 minute IPA after I walk my 18 holes and toast to you....:)
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    In the beginning I would lose and then gain then lose again then gain it back. It was very frustrating. Once I got strict with myself with weighing and measuring EVERYTHING and tracking it correctly PLUS watched my salt intake I lost weight consistently.

    Get yourself a food scale, measuring cups and measuring spoons. If you can't get online to put your food into your diary then write it down and add it to your tracker later. Get yourself a small note book if you have to. Write it all down. Don't lie to yourself about what you really ate all day. Its not going to do you any good. If you're worried that people will judge you for what you're eating and afraid you'll lie on your food diary to avoid remarks from people then keep your diary private.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Exactly on my mind....my love of good beers and wines especially in the summer makes my battle of the scale a greased pole....I lose then gain.... I have not cheated on my diet diary....I have been over up to 2900 calories on some days, and under on others....ive gained about 6 back after my lowest weight, but this week got 2 back...I'm just upping my cardio to counteract my input. I realize the alcohol is empty calories and leads to stupid eating....but its SUMMERTIME and I'm staying aware. Keep up the fight...Ill have a Dogfish 60 minute IPA after I walk my 18 holes and toast to you....:)

    I don't know about anyone else but for me beer and wine or any alcohol for that matter make my joint stiff and swollen, and my face gets all puffy. I retain a lot of water the day after I've had even one drink. So you could be retaining water from the alcohol. The scale always goes up at least 2 lbs the next day for me. I avoid alcoholic drinks as much as possible. It is very rare that I'll have a glass of wine. I just don't like how horrible I feel the next day over all.
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    I do log my food every day, but have been slipping in some crisps now and then, also had a chocolate bar last week, but have done more exercise this week so thought I would be fine. I don't weigh everything but I do watch my portion control, I also have a smaller dinner plate than the rest of the family. Thanks for the advice think I am just gonna have to be real tough on myself, and glad to hear its not just me gaining as well as loosing.
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    Exactly on my mind....my love of good beers and wines especially in the summer makes my battle of the scale a greased pole....I lose then gain.... I have not cheated on my diet diary....I have been over up to 2900 calories on some days, and under on others....ive gained about 6 back after my lowest weight, but this week got 2 back...I'm just upping my cardio to counteract my input. I realize the alcohol is empty calories and leads to stupid eating....but its SUMMERTIME and I'm staying aware. Keep up the fight...Ill have a Dogfish 60 minute IPA after I walk my 18 holes and toast to you....:)

    Thanks DaddyDog!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I do log my food every day, but have been slipping in some crisps now and then, also had a chocolate bar last week, but have done more exercise this week so thought I would be fine. I don't weigh everything but I do watch my portion control, I also have a smaller dinner plate than the rest of the family. Thanks for the advice think I am just gonna have to be real tough on myself, and glad to hear its not just me gaining as well as loosing.

    You need to weigh and measure everything. Don't just eyeball it. I'm betting this is where you're having a problem. your idea of portion control is probably not the proper portion at all. Quite possibly you're overeating without realizing it.