Exasperation with meal planning...can someone tell me how to fit 3 meals into 1200 calories?



  • fatvegan88
    fatvegan88 Posts: 71 Member
    I do intermittent fasting and for 1300 calories into two or even one meal. Feel great and losing weight.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I think I just may have broken it, yo-yo and fat-free dieting over the years.

    It turns out that no, you can't break your metabolism by yo-yo dieting:

  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    I couldn't agree more. I can listen and read and hear with an open mind, but it's not a question of that (I am a very open-minded as well as being a big picture type person).
    It's a question of what to do when platau's last for weeks/months, and the diet is not really satisfying and you just want that chocolate bar, because of a long term habit of eating for comfort.
    Then what?
    What are some of the coping skills one can use when this happens, that have worked for others?
    I can be consistent, I can be rigid, I can really be a harsh taskmaster to myself. But, not forever, which is what happens..after awhile, I get so discouraged and exasperated that I just want to "chuck it in the f**kit, bucket" and eat that chocolate, thereby ruining months of hard work! Not because I ate the stupid chocolate bar, but because once I started, I couldn't stop....in the giving up, I also gave in.......... :(NOTHING, and I do mean, NOTHING that I have found, to date, can deter that impulse for me. Or at least, it hasn't happened yet. Hence, my overall exasperation! I am hoping it will happen and that I will stumble upon, or receive some random tip, that will interrupt this cycle for me! That's my prayer out to the Universe!
    I need tools in place, for when that several month long plateau happens, because you and I both know, there WILL be plateaus, some that last much longer for me, then for others. (Not feeling sorry for myself, just being realistic, here).
    That's the point.
    I am like Kate in the show: "This is Us". Have you seen it?
    I don't want to spoil anything, but at some point, she talks about the voices holding her back from her weight loss goal, and how she didn't know how to live without them, once she had lost the weight and so, naturally, it all came back, in triple digits! And she had pretty loving parents, with a fairly stable childhood, too (at least on the show, anyway). I realize it's just a TV show, but that's an important theme the writers touched on, for people who comfort eat.
    In a loving stable childhood, they are just voices, but in a very dysfunctional childhood, they are obnoxious phantoms and demons..........trying to step all over the drowning persons weak refrains of: "I can do this", "I know I can".......that's the point.
    I need coping strategies and tools, as well as "losing weight" buddies, and motivation/support.
    I realize it's asking a LOT to get that here, but if not here, then where?
    What's a comfort eater, to do, when they are "stuck" and can't get "unstuck"? That's the exasperation piece. I am in it for the long game, truly, which is why I was reaching out..........hoping that others experiences could maybe illuminate what to do when the demons come knocking!
    As you can see, it's not just the BORING diet of shakes and salads, it's the mind set that I need to adopt and embrace, in order to succeed, so like I said, I couldn't agree more..........to adopt the mindset, I need coping skills to get past the initial plunge and to know how to hang on when the plateaus turn into marathons of patience and determination struggles...........is that any clearer?
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Figure out your maintenance calories. And when you do, eat a little less. Do this until you reach your goal weight.
  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    It's what I've been trying to do.........when I do the numbers.....this is what I get....
    I am 57, and was told (and I computed it, from my own historical dieting patterns, as well), that my maintenance caloric intake, for my age and activity level, is 7 calories per pound, per day.
    At 240 lbs, currently, that would be 1680 calories per day.
    If I want to lose even one pound a week, I have to deduct 500 calories from that, each day, correct? (500 x 7 = 3500).
    To keep going with the math.......1680 - 500 is 1180 calories.
    That's how and why I know my initial impetus to only get no more then 1200 calories per day, was correct.
    That isn't much food, which is why I said meal plans were hardly worth bothering with, because to do all the work to split that up into meal segments?, that would sabotage me b4 I even start; it's much too complicated to do, in my current state of being..........it seems overwhelming to me..........
    Hence my exasperation!
  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    I should have said: "Can someone (anyone) please tell me how to fit 3 very simple (=easy), vegan meals (other then salads) into 1200 calories a day?" I realize now, that that would have been a bit more specific!
  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    I also agree with my partner........leftovers are gross. Yea, I am a finicky eater, it's hard to believe I am at 240 pounds, huh? I can't really believe it, myself, it's just what happens when I stop being hyper-vigilant 100% of the time, about what I put in my mouth. Being hyper-vigilant 100% of the time, is exhausting! And exasperating! There's got to be another way.........hey?
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    I had ratatouille for dinner last night over pasta. !50 calories for the ratatouille and 200 calories for the pasta.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I should have said: "Can someone (anyone) please tell me how to fit 3 very simple (=easy), vegan meals (other then salads) into 1200 calories a day?" I realize now, that that would have been a bit more specific!

    Why does it have to be 3 meals a day... Why not 2? Takes less effort to plan and cook, making it easier. The meals are bigger, so perhaps more satisfying.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    I should have said: "Can someone (anyone) please tell me how to fit 3 very simple (=easy), vegan meals (other then salads) into 1200 calories a day?" I realize now, that that would have been a bit more specific!

    Try the thug kitchen cookbook.

  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    Mslmesq: The trailer to that cookbook is friggin' hilarious, btw! Thanks for the giggles. :)
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Mslmesq: The trailer to that cookbook is friggin' hilarious, btw! Thanks for the giggles. :)

    Yup. I'm not even vegan and it sold me. Wait till you read the cookbook. Hilarious!

  • MonaRaeHill
    MonaRaeHill Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you to anybody/everybody that I didn't check respond to, and/or befriend. This thread is getting really long and I don't want to offend anyone, but am losing track of who I thanked and/or responded to, and who I didn't! Thanks to you all.
    I will keep all this great advice in mind and keep looking for a way to offset the doldrums. Right now I gotta' go buy some more Miracle noodles.....even the cellophane have too many calories, I just realized............ugh........and.........sigh.........and........lol.