Fat caused by skinny jeans?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    After your other thread about sucking in your belly, I'm convinced you're a troll.

    I think she's just young (15 or 16) and ill informed. But I've been known to be naive so I could be wrong
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    If she's that young then she doesn't belong on MFP, unfortunately. 18+ here.
  • tatasmagik
    tatasmagik Posts: 185
    Jeans would have to be REALLY TIGHT and you'd have to wear them every.single.day for months - if not years - to cause the kind of deformation you're talking about. If that's really the case, it'll take just as long as just as much torture to undo it.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    After your other thread about sucking in your belly, I'm convinced you're a troll.

    I think she's just young (15 or 16) and ill informed. But I've been known to be naive so I could be wrong

    That's my guess. Or maybe 13-14 even. Eh. Or maybe just naive and ill informed.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I feel like this is what you mean. Only on a skinnier person. And permanently. Kind of like when your mom says don't do your face that way or it will stay like that? But with your hips.

    I have worn a neoprene waist cincher belt in the past to make my back feel secure when feeling insecure about it and on those days my waist comes in a little temporarily. I suspect you are wearing a belt or the fabric on that part of your jeans is just super thick and unyielding while the rest of your jeans have some stretch allowing your fat to go there.

    Two solutions:

    1) Stop wearing those jeans, as I said it's a temporary thing with the belt I use and the fat will redistribute itself pretty quickly when you don't wear those jeans in like a day or two. (it's probably not even the fat, just the water...IDK).

    2) Lower your body fat. If you have less body fat there will be less to squish over that part of your pants and under it You'll have a smoother appearance no matter how tight your jeans are. DISCLAIMER: I am NOT saying you are fat. It's just that it's entirely possible to be slim and slender and still have decent amount of body fat enough to cause a muffin top. Lower body fat would mean there was little there to squish over or under. Here's a current and timely example of someone who did precisely this by the looks of it. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1064279-i-ve-reached-my-goal-lost-fat-gained-muscle?page=1#posts-16359767

    ETA: I know the OP may be young or otherwise ill informed but I've noticed something like this with some of my clothes when I insist on cramming myself into them (to remind me to diet) and I think I know what she's talking about.