Cheat day???



  • santje00
    santje00 Posts: 95 Member
    Ok...for those who have lost some significant weight, did you have a cheat day (eat anything all day) or just have a cheat meal or cheat snacks?? What did ur cheat meal or day consist of? Were u still on track with weightloss even having the cheat day/meal???

    I have cheat days, but I do stick within my calorie range. For example, I can have a pizza, but a small one with reduced fat cheese or a gluten-free option. One thing I will say, and I'm speaking from experience, denying yourself everything you like will cause you to shoot back up in weight. I lost four stone in the past, denied myself everything, only to put it back on. I'm nearly back to a 2 stone loss, and I still have the things I like, I just make them a little healthier. Now, I don't even crave takeaways. I did before...
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    That's the most I've seen the word cheat in 4 sentences ever.

    I had high calorie days. I look at my weekly average.