Help - Advice/Feedback Needed on Cut (feeling crap!)

Hi, this may be a bit of a long one so I really appreciate any advice/feedback or just the effort of reading this!

I'm completely new to bulking/cutting and general anything involving strength training. I've always just ran, and that's it. To be honest I'd never stepped in a free weights area until I started my new routine.

I'd always been 'skinny fat' and was fed up of having very little muscle or definition so decided to make a complete lifestyle change. I've been doing this since around 10th January (so not that long!)

After reading numerous articles and taking on lots of advice here - I decided it was best for me to 'cut' first before starting/trying to bulk.

My essential details are:
Age 27
6 foot 1
Current Weight 185lbs (starting weight 193lbs)
Lifestyle: Lightly active (I'm a Primary School Teacher)
Exercise: 4 days on, 1 day off so around 5 to 6 sessions per wek (each around 50 mins to 1 hour)

My routine consists of 4 days on, one day off and is detailed below. In terms of the weight, I find it just about right and enough of a challenge, I can feel myself being slightly stronger but not much. This is a beginner routine and I asked to focus on my upper body. I've changed the weights from what I was originally given for what works for me.


I've stuck to this religiously too.

In terms of diet - I'm currently eating: (these macros were set my me)

218g Protein
136g Carbs
65g Fat

I've stuck to this religiously, and tracked every single thing that has passed my lips. Completely cut out processed foods too and loving it! The one day I went over carbs, I adapted the next day to reduce that day.

Now the gym uses a BIA machine and this has really got me down, one day it says 14% body fat, the next it says 17%, then one day it says 67KG muscle, the nest it says 62KG. It's really got me down because the data today was awful, even though I've stuck to the diet and training religiously.

I've read a lot about these machines and how inaccurate they can be - so decided to ignore it and ask the experts instead!

I've also added some pictures - the first one is 10/1/18 and the second one is today. I can't see a difference =- my GF says she can but I think she;s just being nice!

So I suppose what I'm asking - The results on the BIA were rubbish, and really made me feel rubbish. I know it's not been long at all and this is a long term thing - but am I doing this right? Is there an issue with my diet, or my routine? I don;t want to mess with the routine too much as my review is on 6th March and I'll discuss it with a trainer then as I'm clueless! Am I doing this whole cut thing right? I ideally want to get to 10% body fat before bulking, but unsure what I am at the minute!


  • DawnOfTheDead_Lift
    DawnOfTheDead_Lift Posts: 753 Member
    Also, great job on your dedication thus far. You can tell a very real difference in the two shots.
  • jbean1990
    jbean1990 Posts: 69 Member
    The feeling crap is more to do with the results the machine gave me, so up and down!
  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    You have lost quite a bit. Be proud! My advice would be to lower protein and increase fats a bit, but that's not essential. Also your routine is... clearly made up, and that's not what you need, especially as a beginner. Please refer to the list of routines in that sticky everyone references. You'd be better served right now on a 3x per week routine designed by a professional.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    I also notice a big difference! You lost fat on your midsection, arms and back.

    What are you doing for your lower body though?!?

    Here is the link that was mentioned - lots more balanced routines to pick from: