Emotional eaters

I tend to have allot of stress in my life and I eat to bandaid that. . I've tried yoga and it helped a little. . Basically till I blew up emotionally. . Any advice would be great! Feel free to add me since I currently don't know how myself :(


  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    I am or was or kind of still am... I dunno...

    I have lost 127lbs in the last say 2 years. I think the best advice is try to keep emotions as under control as possible. Learn that food is not going to fix your stressors or emotions, it will only be a temporary fix and weight wise longer term issue which will only add to your stresses and emotion.

    I still get stressed and want to go pig out I think it is just a matter of saying no, and waiting it out. If it gets to the point you cannot then try to have something healthy to fill you up and hopefully end the situation. If you must have the not so good food go ahead and try and fit in to your calories for the week. I say week because I think it is more important to have your calories at a 3500 cal deficit for a 1 lb/w loss than worry as much about it daily. This also allows some flexibility for those moments.

    The next advice is just keep working on your stresses and emotions. The gym is a great therapy session...

    I added you .
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    Yup me too. Search the community for posts on emotional eating, those have helped me to not feel alone with this one! Controlling emotions doesn't work for me, but I do have the choice on whether I allow thought-looping that feeds back into the emotional cycle, or choose one moment at a time to breathe and extract myself from situations and not escalate my own negative thinking.

    I agree with @btcowboy, gym, running, brisk walk outside, more yoga, whatever does it for you, keep working it into your life.

    For me, when a chunk breaks loose and falls out of the closet emotionally speaking BECAUSE of the work I am doing to process emotions, it's easy to self-criticize that it's a set-back instead of progress, if you know what I mean. Emotions are messy as *kitten*, that's why I ate to stuff them down and keep my insides inside.

    And thanks for bringing this up today.