Just upgraded to premium...

zafira Posts: 22 Member
Have been an mfp member for years - sporadically logging in my diary....but I think it's time to get serious now lol
Am following Slimming World and am going to count calories along side this.
Have about 2.5 st(35 lb) to get to my target .
when I joined mfp many years ago , I was almost 17st(238 lbs)
So as the years have gone by , I've gradually come down - although been yo-yoing for years!
This year I would really like to reach my target as have got close then gone off the rails and put some back on many times ...
Also upgraded to premium on map my fitness too as need to get the exercise going again!

Anyone notice any benefits with the premium?
do you find it helps any more?

I have an open diary to friends- feel free to add me anyone who also has an open diary