Teacher and soon-to-be doctoral canidate in need of motivation and support! Back at it !

Hello everyone! Meg here back and ready to get back on the bandwagon of dropping this weight before my 30th birthday! I'm currently fluctuating between 211-218. I am 5'1. A school teacher by day and a gym beast/superhero by night :smiley: I feed off of positive vibes and challenges. You challenge me to something im so down for it. Recently there has been alot of rejection in my life so im on a self-love journey. My escape is the gym its just the nutrition piece. I was vegan for 6 months fell off the band wagon and looking to hop back on. I'm also currently applying for doctoral schools.

I hope everyone has had a marvelous weekend! Any support is greatly appreciated!


  • Megg82
    Megg82 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey! I’m also Meg :)
    I’ve had some rejection in my life recently as well and am an only parent to top it off, so I need to get back into this for some mental clarity and focus. A friend once told me “nobody ever changes you, you are who you are regardless. You’re a beast, an amazing person, killing it in life. People come and go but you will always stay the same. Nobody can have that, nobody can have you.” I hear that play in my head frequently. I’m trying to get myself back to who I am completely and focus on me. Which includes accountability for what I put in my body, feeding myself only what I need & not all the extras.
    I have some fitness goals in mind as well and have to get myself to the gym regularly. So I could use the motivation from a gym beast :)
    I’m sending you a friend request!