Getting discouraged...

I've cut my calorie count down from a million calories a day to the 1200-1400 range, I've stopped drinking my whiskey during the week and also have been walking 4-5 days a week @ 3.2-3.7 mph for 2-3 miles. I was extremely happy with my initial progress, losing 14 lbs (I had estimated my starting weight on this site 4 lbs less than I actually was, so my "loss" data is skewed) in 3 weeks, but that was as of 2 weeks ago. These past 2 weeks I've stayed the exact same weight (to the ounce) on my weekly Tuesday morning weigh ins. I've read that hitting a plateau is common and realize that I may need to change up my routine, I just want to make sure that I don't put myself in the scary "starvation mode". This past week, in retaliation of losing nothing the prior week, I amped up my walks making sure to stay at 3.5 mph and walk 6 days a week instead of the normal 4-5. I skipped burgers and evil chips/dip at 4th of July BBQ's, etc. I'm just not sure what to do. I'm afraid to eat less calories and I'm afraid to eat more. A lot of times my dinner will put me at around 1300-1400 calories for the day, then I'll walk off 300-400 of those... should I just stop walking? I don't want to be at 1000 "net" calories for the day, but can't find a way to really eat more calories. My diary should be public, maybe someone could take a look and tell me where I'm doing it wrong. I do eat more fruits than I indicate on there... often I'll just grab a peach, apple or some baby carrots and forget to update my diary with it, but other than that it should be pretty accurate.

Me: I'm 6'2, 300.8 lbs. This site says that I should be able to stay at 2030 calories a day and be able to lose 2 lbs a week. I've read that when you have a huge amount of weight to lose, it's okay to go slightly over the "2 lbs rule" for awhile. Following that logic, I've cut my calorie count down much lower than the 2030 goal the site has set for me.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Make sure you arent netting below 1200 cals a day, you might be putting your body in starvation mode. Eat a little more, but stay below a net of the amount that MFP gives you
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    So MFP put you at 2030 calories a day and you are only eating 13-1400 and burning 300-400? You need to eat more!
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Hi! I calculated your BMR (basic metabolic rate which provides you with an gives an approximation the number of calories per day your body burns.) based on your age, height, weight and activity level and the number is 3214. Now to lose 1 lb. a week you deduct 500 calories from this, to lose 2 you deduct 1000. If you wanted to lose 2 lbs. per week then you would need to eat 2200 calories. You are a guy and you cannot be eating 1200-1400. Your body is in starvation mode and your metabolism is slowing down. Your body is absorbing every ounce of fat because with the exercise you are even going below that 1200 range. I know it sounds bad but you have to eat. I am a 231 lb. woman down from 282.5 and now I am on 2000 calories because I burn 700 daily. It is hard to think of eating to lose because that is what got us here in the first place but trust me your body needs fuel. Best of luck and hope you make a change at least for 2 weeks and see what happens :flowerforyou:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I looked through your diary and see a lot of higher sodium stuff and the alcohol (which you said you stopped), try eating fresher types of foods, definately keep walking, just bump your cals up some, maybe try to net around 1500 or so after exercise and eat more nutitious stuff and I think you will see a difference.

    I was there, I started at 314 and I am down to 265, I sent a friend request, and will be glad to help you with whatever I can!
  • wreckage
    wreckage Posts: 20 Member
    I figured I need to eat more, it's just difficult because of my work schedule. I do consulting and drive from business to business from 8:30 - 5:30. I find that anything more that I eat (ie. - anything bought at a gas station/fast food joint) is horrible for me. I bring a granola bar in the car with me for my "3 PM snack", but I'm just not sure what else I can do. I find it really easy to eat 2000+ calories a day, and really easy to eat 1000 a day... it's that middle ground that's difficult. I'd like to keep walking, but it seems as though walking is burning off those extra calories that I actually need.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I would eat at LEAST the 2030 calories a day that MFP gives you. I know it's counterintuitive to eat more when trying to lose weight but that fuel is very important for your body. Don't give up working out, just make sure to eat at least your 2030 calories and you should see the scale budge again. Good luck!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I figured I need to eat more, it's just difficult because of my work schedule. I do consulting and drive from business to business from 8:30 - 5:30. I find that anything more that I eat (ie. - anything bought at a gas station/fast food joint) is horrible for me. I bring a granola bar in the car with me for my "3 PM snack", but I'm just not sure what else I can do. I find it really easy to eat 2000+ calories a day, and really easy to eat 1000 a day... it's that middle ground that's difficult. I'd like to keep walking, but it seems as though walking is burning off those extra calories that I actually need.

    Trust me, you need the exercise, if you are in your car a lot, maybe bring an extra granola bar, so dont stop walking. maybe bring some fruit or something else as a snack, but you can find something I am sure
  • wreckage
    wreckage Posts: 20 Member
    I looked through your diary and see a lot of higher sodium stuff and the alcohol (which you said you stopped), try eating fresher types of foods, definately keep walking, just bump your cals up some, maybe try to net around 1500 or so after exercise and eat more nutitious stuff and I think you will see a difference.

    I was there, I started at 314 and I am down to 265, I sent a friend request, and will be glad to help you with whatever I can!

    Well... I quit the alcohol on the weekdays. This week I'm planning on cutting Friday out of the equation and just going out on Saturday nights. 314 was my starting weight too, so you'll be my inspiration. I've noticed that my sodium is constantly over... it seems that any type of non-homemade salad with chicken in it is pretty horrible for me (sodium wise), but I don't have too many other options for lunch. I'll try to bump the calories up to around 1500 and see how that works out.
  • thisemmabites
    "You are a guy and you cannot be eating 1200-1400. Your body is in starvation mode and your metabolism is slowing down."

    I absolutely agree with this statement. You are definitely under eating.

    Making adjustments is hard, but we all struggle one way or the other. You can figure this out :happy:
  • wreckage
    wreckage Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all for replying... I figured I need to eat more. I'll give that a whirl and see how it turns out.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    You're a 300 pound man,,, you're 30 years old, with a fairly sedentary lifestyle/job, and you're eating 1400 calories a day?

    Wow. That's wild. Yes, you're metab thinks you've moved to Somalia. It will hang on to every cal and every fat gram like Garfield hangs on to his lasagna.

    We always say "Eat less - move more",,, but in your case you might wanna eat a little more. Also, don't sweat the 2 weeks, that's nothing. I got stuck for a month at a time several times, it happens.
  • S_H84
    S_H84 Posts: 75
    Your body needs a certain amount of calories every day to run properly. You calorie intake is way too low. That is what I eat, and I am a 5'8" at 117lbs woman.
    So, up your calorie intake to at least 2000 calories. Once your body realizes that fuel is coming in, it will start burning the fat calories that it is storing right now while your body is in starvation mode.
    If you have problems eating the right amount of calories, write it out the night before. It is much easier to know what to eat if you planned it out. That will ensure you eat the right food (no gas station food). Feel free to message me if you need some ideas for snacks on the road. I fix my husbands snacks and foods every day as he is gone all day too.

    Also, if you ever hit a plateau, this is what I did. It is called zig-zag dieting and basically means that one day you eat less than your required calorie intake but the next day you make those calories up again. Your body gets used to eating the same amount of calories every day, therefore the plateau. You can also change up your exercise. Instead of walking, ride the bike or go swimming. Keep your body guessing.

    Good luck :)
  • maydianna
    maydianna Posts: 26 Member
    Everyone has had excellent points!

    Also, I noticed that you have some gaps - meals missing - in your diary. Its important to keep your metabolism active throughout the day - make sure that you are eating regularly. Don't skip breakfast just so you can have a drink or treat later in the day. Also - those pieces of fruit here and there have calories and carbs in them - make sure you document EVERYTHING! You can't accurately assess how you're doing unless you look at the whole picture. I would also suggest adding sodium and fiber to your diary (under settings). Often restaurant foods have a TON of hidden sodium which makes it hard for your body to release the weight, especially if you don't drink extra water (above your 64 a day) to compensate.

    Everyone's body is different and needs different balance of protein, carbs and fat - but personally, I find my body responds better to a higher protein and lower carb diet. I try to keep my carbs under or near 100 and my protein is always over MFP suggestions. As a way to change up your routine, you could try exchanging a few of those carbs for higher protein snacks (nuts, lowfat cheese, yogurt, lean meat, etc.)

    Finally, if you absolutely can't get your calories up where they need to be in a healthy way, try slowing down the exercise. Still workout everyday, but maybe vary your pace, keep it moderate, and workout only 20 minutes for 5 days. Do that for a few weeks until your body adjusts and then increase your challenge level.

    Good luck :) Hope this is helpful!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi! I calculated your BMR (basic metabolic rate which provides you with an gives an approximation the number of calories per day your body burns.) based on your age, height, weight and activity level and the number is 3214. Now to lose 1 lb. a week you deduct 500 calories from this, to lose 2 you deduct 1000. If you wanted to lose 2 lbs. per week then you would need to eat 2200 calories. You are a guy and you cannot be eating 1200-1400. Your body is in starvation mode and your metabolism is slowing down. Your body is absorbing every ounce of fat because with the exercise you are even going below that 1200 range. I know it sounds bad but you have to eat. I am a 231 lb. woman down from 282.5 and now I am on 2000 calories because I burn 700 daily. It is hard to think of eating to lose because that is what got us here in the first place but trust me your body needs fuel. Best of luck and hope you make a change at least for 2 weeks and see what happens :flowerforyou:

    Be careful here..."BMR"= basal metabolic rate, or what your body needs to maintain basic normal functions just to stay alive, in the case that you were bedridden.

    TDEE, or total daily energy expenditure is what you need to maintain your weight. This is your BMR plus your daily activity level. Everything you do during the course of your day (walking to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, washing a dish) adds calorie burn to your BMR.

    For most people, eating their BMR calories with no deductions will lead to weight loss.

    Long story short, BMR does not equal your maintenance calories. This is a common (and dangerous) misconception.


    For the OP, I am a 150 pound woman losing while eating 1800 calories a day plus exercise calories. You are seriously undereating.
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Wow. That's wild. Yes, you're metab thinks you've moved to Somalia. It will hang on to every cal and every fat gram like Garfield hangs on to his lasagna.

    This made me crack up!!! Nice humor and lovely way to put it :laugh:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I looked through your diary and see a lot of higher sodium stuff and the alcohol (which you said you stopped), try eating fresher types of foods, definately keep walking, just bump your cals up some, maybe try to net around 1500 or so after exercise and eat more nutitious stuff and I think you will see a difference.

    I was there, I started at 314 and I am down to 265, I sent a friend request, and will be glad to help you with whatever I can!

    Well... I quit the alcohol on the weekdays. This week I'm planning on cutting Friday out of the equation and just going out on Saturday nights. 314 was my starting weight too, so you'll be my inspiration. I've noticed that my sodium is constantly over... it seems that any type of non-homemade salad with chicken in it is pretty horrible for me (sodium wise), but I don't have too many other options for lunch. I'll try to bump the calories up to around 1500 and see how that works out.

    Sodium will also make you retain water and it will make you seem like you arent losing weight or gaining weight.
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    I totally agree with what's already been said. I'm a 5'4'' female and you're eating less than I am! The hard part will be eating more calories but the right calories. You don't want to eat more sodium or processed foods cause that will get you nowhere. Are you able to add some weight training in about 2-3 times a week? I think that will really make a difference also. You will absolutely need to eat more for the weight training as you cant build the muscle without the right fuel! You can do it!! Good job on being committed!
  • maydianna
    maydianna Posts: 26 Member
    Take a cooler/lunch bag with you and throw in some other things to snack on during the day. I love things like string cheese, nuts/trail mix, fruit, veggi sticks (carrots, celery, zuchinni), even some whole grain crackers or chips would be better than nothing. But stick to stuff you can bring from home. And make sure you are drinking all of you water!!

    As for the salad thing - I love eating out - I would suggest the salad or even burrito bowl at Chipotle. Still a little high in sodium but not as bad as Pei Wei for sure! You can get it with double meat to make sure you're getting enough calories/protein to get you through the day - and drink extra water with a little lemon to help flush out the extra sodium.
  • maydianna
    maydianna Posts: 26 Member
    Take a cooler/lunch bag with you and throw in some other things to snack on during the day. I love things like string cheese, nuts/trail mix, fruit, veggi sticks (carrots, celery, zuchinni), even some whole grain crackers or chips would be better than nothing. But stick to stuff you can bring from home. And make sure you are drinking all of you water!!

    As for the salad thing - I love eating out - I would suggest the salad or even burrito bowl at Chipotle. Still a little high in sodium but not as bad as Pei Wei for sure! You can get it with double meat to make sure you're getting enough calories/protein to get you through the day - and drink extra water with a little lemon to help flush out the extra sodium.
  • maydianna
    maydianna Posts: 26 Member
    Take a cooler/lunch bag with you and throw in some other things to snack on during the day. I love things like string cheese, nuts/trail mix, fruit, veggi sticks (carrots, celery, zuchinni), even some whole grain crackers or chips would be better than nothing. But stick to stuff you can bring from home. And make sure you are drinking all of you water!!

    As for the salad thing - I love eating out - I would suggest the salad or even burrito bowl at Chipotle. Still a little high in sodium but not as bad as Pei Wei for sure! You can get it with double meat to make sure you're getting enough calories/protein to get you through the day - and drink extra water with a little lemon to help flush out the extra sodium. Or try making your own sandwich or salad to take with you :)