WW member now tracking here

Hello all. I have been here before, about five years ago. I yo-yo’d for a while then got serious and joined ww last December. I really rocked the program and am down 40lbs. However I am now plateaued and they changed their program. I can’t stand the new program and find it very restrictive. I have been tracking here for almost a week and while I am not down anything more yet I find it interesting to see I am eating about 1500 calories a day. I really like the nutritional breakdown here. My plan is to continue attending ww meeting for the in person support but I will not be following freestyle anymore. Anyone else?


  • MCasillas12
    MCasillas12 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m on WW online only. I was successful before freestyle and lost 25lbs, but once freestyle rolled around I re gained weight and haven’t been able to lose. So I’m now tracking here and on WW. Nice to meet you!
  • jnennig4
    jnennig4 Posts: 3 Member
    I did ww years ago, I've done this app on and off for years as well. I really like this app, but something always happens and I stop tracking for some dumb reason, so here I am again. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I am more than determined to stay focused and LOSE THIS WEIGHT! I've been tracking consistently for 36 days now, and I'm down 5.4 lbs. Nice to meet you both!
  • mshellbell150
    mshellbell150 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm doing the same myself! I lost 85lb doing the ww points plus. I tried smart points and hated it! I started tracking on my Fitbit but I've heard so much about this thought I'd give it a try. It is a lot more in depth then tracking on my Fitbit so I'm very optimistic! It's definitely making me pay closer attention to the actual nutrition content and not just a point.
  • canuck_OHS
    canuck_OHS Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all! Nice to meet all of you as well :)
    I am still trying to figure out how to navigate the different apps lol. I had joined a group on FB called Back to 30, but I find it overwhelmingly negative. I still like using ww connect and attending my meetings. More and more people are saying that freestyle doesn’t work for them. I think it was an epic fail on ww’s part. I need the support of the group but will be tracking here. So far it’s been very informative. Good to know my macros and cal in vs cal out. Points just don’t offer the same sort of information.
  • theresecooper51
    theresecooper51 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ladies.... I was in WW for 6 months. It’s been a rough couple years/life curve balls. I drink too much wine and it surely packs on the pounds. I want to replace the wine with exercise and healthier alternatives to stress....nice to meet u all too!
  • ellegee575
    ellegee575 Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve also been on WW/my fitness pal, and have yoyo’d up and down the scale. I find both programs to be successful - if I could just commit myself to tracking!!!