Running Makes Me Fat -- Help >_<



  • kshiraakshara
    kshiraakshara Posts: 119 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    The other problem is who is to say the barcode scanning is accurate? There have been a lot of studies that show what is on the package label is often incorrect as well.

    One thing you need to do though is get a heart rate monitor and wear that when you run. Not a cheap one, but a decent one. You need to know if you are really getting your heart rate up enough to get into a fat burning area.

    You should probably also change up your cardio as well. Throw in some rowing one or two days a week, especially if you have access to a Concept 2 or similar rowing machine. Full body workout that will burn calories. Just make sure you are using proper form. Concept 2 has some good videos on their website, check out an excellent example here:
  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    what do you mean by you have done C25K twice now and are on your 3rd round. once you completed that you got to up your routine a bit and not go back again to the start. Running doesn't make you fat. too many calories do.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    How much are you actually running per week? I didn't lose any weight from running until I got to 20 miles per week. When I was just going out and running 5k 3 times a week, I wasn't losing. That's only roughly 90 mins a week. And if you're doing c25k, runningand walking, you'll be burning even fewer calories. Maybe try running more and see how that works for you?
  • Otrogen
    Otrogen Posts: 65
    No thanks to a lot of the unhelpful replies here, I did a bit of research.

    First and foremost, for all of you calling me a liar, READ MY WORDS. I have already explained that I don't use my food log on MFP to log what I actually ate. For instance, a lot of mornings, it'll say I logged something like 300 calories by eating half a bag of candy. I didn't =P. I logged it into MFP, let it do the easy calculation, added in the rest of the food I might eat during the day, and showed myself the difference I could achieve if I didn't sit down and give into my binge urges. And instead I'd have just a few pieces of what I craved, and then move on about my day with a nice banana or my 10 grain cereal.

    I lost 100 lbs in a year logging food and I had no idea about MFP. I'm used to keeping my own logs. I don't like using MFP for it. What's in my MFP logs is only accurate for what I ate from January-March of this year, when I did my PSMF diet.

    Anyway, looking into it, I've deduced that 1) I've been training too hard and 2) eating at a caloric deficit while doing steady-state cardio seems to inhibit T3 uptake, which does cause weight stagnancy.

    To address point one, I'm going to slow down a bit and actually run at a pace where I can talk as I run. That puts me at a 15-16 minute mile but being slow isn't a crime. A bit demoralizing, though!

    To address point two, I really don't know. I'm thinking of going off the grid and using one of the local labs that'll do bloodwork for individuals instead of going through a doctor to do them. The full thyroid hormone panel screening would cost $100-150 depending on the lab I use, and then I'll have to find a doctor to accept those results, take me on without insurance, and set me up with a proper dosage of synthroid that will correct for any deficiencies. And at this point, I honestly believe there will be deficiencies. All of the signs of it are there, and I've been ignoring them for a long time.

    I could also stand to add in more cross training like bike rides and aerobic workout tape stuff. I already play tennis 2 days a week in addition to weight lifting and running, but that's just for fun. I'll toss some other stuff in there 2x per week and see if that helps shake it up a little.
  • Otrogen
    Otrogen Posts: 65
    After your PSMF stints have you been coming up to maintenance level calories for enough time to get your hormones back to optimum levels? And have you figured out what your maintenance calories really are? A PSMF followed up by 1400 calories a day for someone who "likes to e active" sounds a bit on the lowish side to me and you might just want to consider a more extended diet break to get a "clean slate" of sorts. Congrats on your weight loss so far though, it's awesome progress :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for your reply ^_^. The PSMF coach I followed did have me raise my calories (and more importantly, carbs) back up to normal for 2 weeks before going about the rest of my life. As for the maintenance calories, I'm 5'2" and have a slow metabolism anyway. Much experimenting over 2.5 years has shown me that going above 1500 is a recipe for getting fat x_x.
    I can kind of relate to this! I have been increasing my running for a while and although I didn't put any on I stopped losing weight, while all the time eating at a deficit (I'm sure I was, not just thinking I was). This was pretty depressing after a few weeks, so I took my measurements and had lose a good couple of inches despite the 0lb loss - and I had to have my wedding dress taken in TWICE despite the scale saying that nothing had changed. So try measuring yourself and see if perhaps although the scales say one thing, the tape measure says differently! You might be surprised.

    I have been advised by a couple of friends who are personal trainers to change my routine a little bit too, including adding in sprints and interval type training to optimise fat loss. I cant tell you if that worked for me because then I got married and then I went on honeymoon to an all inclusive hotel with swim up bars where it was too hot to do anything but lay around in the sun drinking chocolate martinis...! So I have put on a bit over the last three or four weeks! However, this week the weight is coming off at a ridiculous rate (on 1600 calories a day and running again) - so perhaps the change in routine did kind of work....?! ;-)

    Also - you said you had lost over 100lbs already??? WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!

    This happens in the first month that I run, but then stagnates as well after that =/. If I kept on getting slimmer, I'd still be worried about the weight on my joints, but I could probably keep being happy with my progress because it'd be good progress!

    Congrats on yours, and on your wedding :3. Hopefully there are many happy years in your future!
    Are you eating back your exercise calories?

    Nope. I'm not ravenous all the time. It'll be just on certain days, usually following a workout where I pushed too hard, I'm thinking. I'm going to stop pushing it so hard.
    what do you mean by you have done C25K twice now and are on your 3rd round. once you completed that you got to up your routine a bit and not go back again to the start. Running doesn't make you fat. too many calories do.

    Exactly what I said. I'll do it, I'll get to week 9 and complete it, I'll keep on running 25-30 minutes 3x per week, and then eventually I hit a wall where the running doesn't feel good. It hurts. My joints hurt, my body aches, and I feel like I'm dying while I'm doing it. That's not how it's supposed to feel. I'll stop and try another diet with varying success rates, and then inevitably I decide I want to go back and try to run again and see if I leap over that wall instead of running smack into it this time. I do like to run. Upon looking this up, it could be due to temporarily lower levels of thyroid function that occur when long-term steady-state cardio is done in large amounts. This time if it happens, I'm going to press through it for 4 weeks and see if it doesn't improve.

    And though I didn't quote you, thanks to the people who pointed out that I had already said I don't use MFP to log what I ate, and for defending me against those who would ignore my statements and call me a liar and say that running and calorie deficits don't make people fat.

    The body is so much more complex than the simple math of 3600 calories burned = 1 lb lost. Learn about it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'll stop and try another diet with varying success rates

    This stuck out for me....

    Stop dieting!!!

    Moderate deficit, and find a workout routine that you can sustain long term, if you need something low impact try swimming, Pilates, yoga, and run twice a week instead.

    The basis to weight loss really is simple maths!