20-30 pounds or more.

I'm 19 years young and have wound up needing to lose nearly 3 stone. I currently weigh 162lbs but at my heaviest I weighed 178 and joined MFP at a weight of 174. I'm looking to lose another 2 to 3 stone and am looking for friends to share my journey with. I try to log everyday but sometimes I miss the odd day but I always try to at least log on. I'm not a fitness buff, I don't burn 400-500 calories a day at the gym, I go on walks and am starting to try out jogging. I'm looking for friends similar to me because I had a few friends who were fitness fanatics and it often demotivated me, because I'm trying my best but everyone else seems to do better. I want to help motivate and support people, because I've been big for most of my life and I know many people feel the same. Anyone is more than welcome to add me as a friend :)