Snack suggestions...!

Something I’ve noticed is I don’t really snack. I usually just do the basic 3 meals a day. But maybe I should add in a morning and afternoon tea to keep my metabolism going. What do u snack on that’s not really naughty?


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm having deja vu, you've posted this question already....see that thread for answers :smile:
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    You don't need to snack between meals to "keep your metabolism going". Your metabolism is working just fine as long as you are alive.
  • RunHardMoose
    RunHardMoose Posts: 6 Member
    I have apples and peanut butter. I slice the apples into 8 slices and put 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on the plate. I use Crazy Richard's Peanut Butter. It is 100% sodium free. When I first started back on this journey of eating right it tasted fairly bland without all of the salt. However, mixed with the apple, I now can't wait to take the first bite!
  • Savannahmiamaddie
    Savannahmiamaddie Posts: 54 Member
    My favorite evening snack is Constant Comment Chia tea, with one scoop of Root Vitality collagen peptide powder and 1/4 - 1/2 cup fat free Fairlife milk. Constant Comment has a decaf Chia tea if you are caffeine sensitive. I’m not, for some reason, caffeine relaxes me and I can go right to sleep right after drinking it. I also think having a bit of protein before bed is a good idea and the collagen peptide and Fairlife milk both offer high quality protein.

    FYI Fairlife milk has more protein and less sugar than regular milk, that’s why I use it. However, it’s more expensive though. You could use another brand of milk and this would taste the same.

    One bonus of adding collagen peptides to your diet, your fingernails grow like crazy and they are harder to break. I never had decent fingernails until now.
  • simplytaylorj
    simplytaylorj Posts: 1 Member
    Rx bars, vermont turkey peperoni sticks, quest bars, power crunch bars, string cheese, rice cakes and PB
  • abslikebuddha
    abslikebuddha Posts: 10 Member
    I always like some Greek yogurt and with a half handful of plain almonds mid morning.
  • betty_veronica4
    betty_veronica4 Posts: 196 Member
    Greek yogurt, a hard boiled egg, a reasonable and measured amount of nuts, popcorn, clementines.