Help on Lifting (Injury)

I am a little hesitant about posting a serious topic here in the forum because of all the trolls and hungry people around and I realise this question may be a little silly but hey, if I don't ask, I will never learn, right?

Background: So, I injured my right wrist (I am right-handed) more than a month ago and apparently is nursing a TFCC injury (injury to ligaments). I have been ordered to wear a brace for at least six weeks. It's painful and I can't open a drawer or manoeuvre a spoon without wincing, let alone lift weights.

I miss lifting and my question is this:

Is it alright if I just do my routine using only my left arm? So basically it's an one-armed lifting routine for upper body? Or will that create an imbalance and cause an adverse effect?

Again, yes, I am aware this question may be silly, but I really do hope some one with knowledge/experience can help/answer me. Thanks in advance.


  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    I'd go ahead & do what you can w/the good arm. Look at it this way...normally your non-dominant arm is slightly weaker than your dominant one. So this will give it a chance to catch up. You should of course start the injured arm out at a lower weight than what the left is doing, whenever you start back up. I'm a big advocate of working around if you injure one area, then do what you can w/everything else. Why waste time? It probably wouldn't be long enough to create much of a disparity anyway.
  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    The funny thing was that my left arm (non-dominant) could lift heavier than my right (dominant) even when I wasn't injured.

    But thank you for the reply and advice. Will definitely take it in to consideration.