Looking for MFP mates 5'3 or less with 100lbs or so to lose

Hi all - rejoined MFP for the gajillionth time and looking to get to know people with similar weight goals as me to help keep each other motivated.


  • vlavoie84
    vlavoie84 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! 5'3" and would like to lose 80lbs. Also looking for friends. I've done it before, got to 159, and now I'm back to where I started (220). Feeling particularly disappointed this morning. :( I'd be happy to be a motivation buddy.
  • blackcatfitness
    blackcatfitness Posts: 57 Member
    Am also looking for new friends

    I’m whole food plant based
    16lbs gone in 6.5 weeks.
    Open diary
    Work out 2 hours a day.

    Am 5 ft 4 (on a good day) and went from 220 now to 172 and want to get to 135
  • ThisOtherGirl
    ThisOtherGirl Posts: 56 Member
    Sounds familiar
  • klggraham6186
    klggraham6186 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I’m 5’0 and my ultimate goal is to lose 40 lbs. I could really use some buddies with similar goals to help keep me motivated
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'1" and have lost almost 30 and have another 40-50 to go. Send me a request if you're interested. Best wishes and success for this time around with MFP :)
  • itstime2loseit
    itstime2loseit Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I’m here...again. I’ve done this all before and lost close to 50lbs but life happened and a baby and now I’m just over it..again! And now with two kids (a 5yr old & a 4m old) pulling me every which way I’ve been hit with the fact it’s time for mama to drop some squish! Lol add me if you like, I’m trying my damn hardest to keep logging and eating better. Exercise is little to none atm, it’s Iowa and it’s winter so
  • klggraham6186
    klggraham6186 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m new here how do I add u?
  • ThisOtherGirl
    ThisOtherGirl Posts: 56 Member
    Hola! I need to lose a buttload of weight, at least 65 lbs. Not sure how tall I am cause I suck at this US standard system, but I am like 162 cm! I have already lost 66 lbs the past 6 months, but I have no idea how to add someone! Feel free to add me xoxox