How to stay on track on vacation

Hey everyone..i'm going to a cottage next week with a huge group of people - none of which care about eating too nutritiously.
There's going to be tons of food and spontaneous eating and I just needed help decided what to do about my meals...

A) Plan what i'll eat and prepare the foods before I go/ buy the groceries for them beforehand
B) Make healthier versions of what everyone else is eating - so I won't know what i'll b eating everyday until everyone else decides on the day of.

Option A seems better for my weight loss goals but I feel like option B will kind of make me feel like i'm on vacation too?
Thank you!!


  • jimithegreek
    I'd go with option B and just eat as healthy as you can with what is there. Now if everyone is going to eat doritoes all week, that's a different story. I'm sure you can make some good choices from what is there and just do the best you can. Maybe get up early each day and go for a nice walk or jog to give you some extra calories to eat, since you probably won't be eating too great. And when you get back from vacation, just make that following week a very good one. Have fun.