Journey Buddies??

29 y/o female
Mother to 4
Starting 205lbs
Current 200lbs
Goal.. 170lbs by july 1

I am new and would love to make some new friends to help keep me on track. Male or female it doesnt matter.

Questions... How do you add pics to post?
Are push-ups cardio.. Strength.. Or both?
Tips on not becoming too bulky? For some reason when I work out.. Even if its just cardio like jogging or running I bulk up.. Build muscle really easy.. Muscle is great but I want to be slim and toned.. Any advice?


  • kiwisandcoconuts
    kiwisandcoconuts Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there! :smile:
    Mom of 2
    Started at 188
    Currently 184
    Goal 140

    Would love to help encourage you through this journey! I do a mix of both strength and cardio. I've noticed I feel a lot more sore/toned when I do strength training and my athletic husband tells me that's the way to go for weight loss.
  • ginacampos2007
    ginacampos2007 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! :smile:
    Mom of 2
    Started at 188
    Currently 184
    Goal 140

    Would love to help encourage you through this journey! I do a mix of both strength and cardio. I've noticed I feel a lot more sore/toned when I do strength training and my athletic husband tells me that's the way to go for weight loss.

    Yeah.. My boyfriend is fit.. He's loves lifting.. And he tells me thats how to do it as well.. I just dont want to bulk up too much lol
  • OhSaraahhh
    OhSaraahhh Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! You can add me!

    Just getting started looking to lose 60lbs and really feeling prepared this time around and doing it the right way. I'd love to see us succeed, let's do it!