New mom reintroduction after more than a year off MFP, leaving weight watchers after 6 weeks

Katslimsdown Posts: 12 Member
edited February 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I’m 25 years old and a new mom. I’m currently 7 months post partum. I lost about 60+ lbs before getting pregnant, gaining about 20/30 back. I lost weight by tracking on MFP and exercising. Now of course I can’t be as avid as I once was, going to the gym 6 times a week for an hour or two. I’ve been doing weight watchers for about 6 weeks now. I thought maybe it’d help, plus it was something different than counting calories/tracking macros. I have not had success. I just came to realize that maybe eating these “0 point” foods is a bad idea when they don’t need to be tracked. I’ve been eating so much fruit (calories are calories at the end of the day, no matter what you eat. Eating 3 bananas/3 apples/ crap ton of pineapple is not a good idea) because I’m so hungry, and it’s free. I feel deprived. I stopped eating oatmeal because I wanted to have 0 point breakfast in order to try to eat a meal I would enjoy later on. I also had gestational diabetes during pregnancy (even though I was at my fittest and healthiest), therefore I’m now more at risk of getting diabetes which is something I do NOT want.

Anyway, I didn’t want to rant. I just want to introduce myself since I’m getting back on MFP after being on it for 3 years or so and have taken more than a year off (pregnancy then post partum). I’m ready to make a change. I miss my old self. I worked so incredibly hard to get to where I was. I know it’ll be slower this time, but I’d love support of any body that’s left WW, moms, anyone. Anyone that’s not too judge mental with what others eat. :D

I have an Instagram too that I try to keep up with if anyone has the same and would like to follow each other for accountability and support <3


  • Faygetshealthy_2018
    Hey there! I would love to be your friend. I am a mother of 3 and a student. After having children, it became really challenging to lose the weight. Being on the depo (hormonal contraception) doesn't help either. As a new mum it must difficult to find the time and energy to go to the gym.

    I have done WW before, I found it good short term but not sustainable long term. Try not to deprive yourself of food or you will go crazy. Enjoy different kinds of food and stay within your daily calorie intake.

    I am new here too (3rd day) and would like to be your friend. We can motivate each other and stay accountable to one another.
  • Mugs203
    Mugs203 Posts: 26 Member
    I just canceled my WW membership after 7 years. The new plan is awful. We need accountability. You can do it!
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there! I’m also a mom. I have two teenagers 16 and 13, and I’m in grad school! Prepping meals seems to work for me best so I don’t stray towards my terrible eating habits. I am trying to commit to the gym 5 times a week. I just started this app Monday, so I’m hoping I like the results. It would be nice to have new friends!
  • galvanmarie579
    galvanmarie579 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey welcome. I quit ww! Repeat offender. Looking for something new to!! We totally got this. 1day at a time... I have 2kids so yes always challenging!