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Back after 1.5 years off!

Hi I've had my 2nd baby 8 weeks ago and now I need to lose 7-8kg (over 1 stone) to get to my pre pregnancy weight! (54kg) Need some motivation! Going to the gym several times a week for cardio and weights but it's rendered useless as I keep over eating.. How can I control my eating habits :( anyone in a similar position?


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    While going to the gym is commendable, weight loss is all about how much you eat so if you aren't tracking your calories now is the time to start. A food scale will be your biggest aid - it'll help you learn about portion sizes for one thing.

    All the best and congrats on the baby :smile:
  • Jwhde3
    Jwhde3 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been chewing gum whenever I feel like snacking. It keeps me from eating when I shldnt be; I also drink green tea and that helps fill me up between meals :) (btw I'm two months post partum with my third baby)
  • change4char
    change4char Posts: 85 Member
    I feel you! My 2nd child is now 20 weeks old. I had the same amount to lose as you and I'm JUST now reaching the goal. I lost about 5 lbs a month. But it was all down to tracking my food. I did not cut out foods, I just had smaller portions to satisfy my cravings. Good luck! If you want support feel free to add me.