well I been doing this now for about 4 days..

I am realizing that I eat very badly. At this point I am literally trying to get on board with healthy foods, and how often I should actually be eating. :)


  • momdedge4
    momdedge4 Posts: 20 Member
    I’ve learned most people don’t realize how much calories they consume in a day! I know I didn’t until I started journaling! It’s not an easy thing to do...eating healthy...there will be ups and downs in the journey. Just keep trying & learn what works best for you! Just remember...this is a lifestyle change...not really a diet!! Good Luck to you!!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I logged for 7 days before changing anything. It turned out that I was maintaining obesity with a Monday-Friday calorie deficit and a Saturday-Sunday calorie surplus. The lesson learned was that I didn't have to change everything. I just had to work on 2 days. That was hard enough. It's been 2 years and everything has changed, but that was by the slow accretion of lessons learned.