My hypoglycemia and chance of life style

Hello, My doctor told me yesterday that I have Hypoglycemia, I have been feeling bad at work, like going crazy because sometimes I can not eat even a snack more than 6 hours, so I start feeling bad, with chills, cold and sweating and no concentrating. Well, I do not know if this is part of diabetis, I am loosing weight, and trying to change my life style forever, I am sad, I do not know if this have a cure, I did not ask my doctor much because I was in shock but my family told me that is a kind of diabetes, what i dont like :( . My doctor told me she does not think I am diabetic but she ordered lab work.
How can I change my meals? I feel my boss is going to get mad when I present to her my note from the doctor telling her about my condicion, the note says that I need a snack every 4 hours, My boss gets mad when people ask her for 10 minute brake.

Please if you can post some meals or snack for hypoglycemia I will apreciate.


  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Hypoglycemia is sort of the opposite of diabetes. When you eat sugar, or bad carbs, your pancreas overcompensates, sending out too much insulin causing you to crash even harder than most people. The risk of diabetes comes with too much up and down and the pancreas will eventually run out of the chemical it takes to create the insulin. If you can learn to control your sugar levels with diet, you should reduce that risk.
    When you have your snack, make sure you have protein with your carb always. When your sugar is low (the symptoms you described) a snack might consist an orange to raise the levels and a chunk of protein to keep from crashing. Complex carbs take longer to break down to sugar in the bloodstream, so use them when ya can. The less refined sugar you eat, the less episodes you will experience and your chance of developing diabetes later will reduce.
    Your boss can't get mad if you have a note. If he trys to get upset, just let em know how little work you get done when you experience an episode. Every 4 hours is not that often, probably how often we should all be eating.
    I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia when I was a practicing vegetarian (9 years). It is actually one of the reasons I became a meat eater again. I just couldnt' get the protein I needed.
    Don't worry too much, eat your snacks and keep trucking~
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    You really shouldn't be going so long without eating. Focus on your carb intake and balance it with protein. Eat a good breakfast and have a midmorning snack like a banana or apple slices. You need the carbs to keep your energy up. hypoglycemia is merely someone who doesn't get enough carbs. You would carry a snack with you at all times. If your boss won't give you an opportunity to get something to eat you should at least keep a piece of hard candy with you if you aren't able to take a break. It isn't the best snack to have but it will give you some sugar to keep your blood sugar from dropping so low. If you are able to keep a drink with you, you may consider something like the full version of Vitamin Water. It is best to get your carbs from whole foods but if you have no other choice the candy or Vitamin Water would be your best bet.

    PS...your boss sounds like a witch!
  • autumn130
    autumn130 Posts: 48
    There are laws in place to protect employees from discrimination. If your boss treats you different or badly because of this they could be looking at a law suit. Try to stay possitive and know that is something negative happens at work as a result of your condition that you have rights!!!!!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    There are laws in place to protect employees from discrimination. If your boss treats you different or badly because of this they could be looking at a law suit. Try to stay possitive and know that is something negative happens at work as a result of your condition that you have rights!!!!!

    are you allowed to eat on the job? like can you have an apple & peanut butter at your desk? or a green shake (like a spinach/carrot/apple or something like that?)
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Here is a link that may be helpful also. If you still have questions, I would say ask your doctor, write the questions down for you next appointment. If its the diet you are concerned with, he can prolly send you to a nutritionist for personalized options.

    Edited to add second link~
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    The most important thing is to get your insulin levels stabilized so you don't have the highs and lows that come with any blood sugar disorder (hypo or hyper - glycemia)...........

    Your family is partially right as most people that are hypo-glycemic tend to end up being hyper-glycemic (diabetic) with in a few years unless the blood sugar / insulin spikes are stabilized.

    You should always have protein or fat with any carbs (veggies, fruit, grains, etc........)

    So cheese and fruit, cheese and veggies, nut butters and veggies or fruits are great snacks because they pair protein, fats and carbs all in one punch. The result will be even insulin levels, satiety when eating and slowed digestion due to the combination........

    And on the other matter, have you been on your job for over 1 year? If so, file FMLA paperwork with HR and there is nothing she can say or do to you. FMLA laws are there for your protection.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    You really shouldn't be going so long without eating. Focus on your carb intake and balance it with protein. Eat a good breakfast and have a midmorning snack like a banana or apple slices. You need the carbs to keep your energy up. hypoglycemia is merely someone who doesn't get enough carbs. You would carry a snack with you at all times. If your boss won't give you an opportunity to get something to eat you should at least keep a piece of hard candy with you if you aren't able to take a break. It isn't the best snack to have but it will give you some sugar to keep your blood sugar from dropping so low. If you are able to keep a drink with you, you may consider something like the full version of Vitamin Water. It is best to get your carbs from whole foods but if you have no other choice the candy or Vitamin Water would be your best bet.

    PS...your boss sounds like a witch!

    Hypoglycemia isn't someone who doesn't get enough carbs.............And having plain fruit without having some protein / fat combination like cheese or peanut butter is a blood sugar disaster and is going to leave her high and then swing low feeling worse and more hungry...........

    The other poster had a great definition of hypoglycemia.
  • mamilinda81
    No, I am not allowed, they have a sign saying The employes can not drink or eat nothing when they are in the clock, but I am going to take the note to the District Manager and then if my boss complains or say someting unconfortable for me i just quit, my health is first and then i will call a lawyer.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    How did I know that you would pop up on here Lioness?? It is the simple explanation that I was going for not all the medical mumbo jumbo. She needs the carbs, balances with the protein. I do believe I said that. But alas...I digress...

    I'll let you continue with your education of the masses.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    How did I know that you would pop up on here Lioness?? It is the simple explanation that I was going for not all the medical mumbo jumbo. She needs the carbs, balances with the protein. I do believe I said that. But alas...I digress...

    I'll let you continue with your education of the masses.

    Fat is an important part of balancing insulin more important than protein or carbs. Everyone leaves fat out of the equation because everyone thinks we should be cutting fat out of our eating and that is truly not the case.

    Trans fats should be cut, but not natural occurring fats.