Why your “normal” blood sugar isn’t normal

Informative article (maybe a bit scary?) for the over achievers among us that are concerned or watching our blood sugar.



  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Interesting. As a diabetic, i agree that target numbers are often set much too high. the numbers given in the article are exactly what i strive for
  • Shari325
    Shari325 Posts: 196 Member
    This article, and the one on Physiological Insulin Resistance, explains a lot for me. Eating Low Carb, my morning levels are always high (95-115), yet my 1 hour post meal levels are never above 120, seldom above 110.

    Thanks for sharing.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Thanks for the info, looks like I gotta do better.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Great link. Thanks for sharing. I'm not diabetic or pre-diabetic, but I keep an eye on my A1C because of family history with diabetes. I've found a low carb high fiber diet very helpful, as well as of course regular workouts about 5 days a week.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Even though my doctor hasn't been concerned I bought a meter and my one hour readings after meals are on the high side which makes sense considering before I went low carb I was having incidents of hypoglycemia. Something obviously wasn't/isn't right so this was actually good to see. Diabetes, heart disease and cancer run in my family so while normal is good I definitely need to strive for ideal instead of continuing to climb up the normal scale towards diabetes. I'm glad a few of you found it helpful as well.
  • llstacy
    llstacy Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks AV. I'm having my blood sugar tested in a few weeks so this is perfect timing and now I know what my numbers should be. My mom has diabetes so it's a concern for me just like you.