I've been yo-yo dieting for years. Looking for a change and an accountability buddy!

cougleopard Posts: 3 Member
edited February 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hello there. This is my first time here. I'm a 36 year old male who has been struggling with weight loss for years. I was going really well back in 2006 and got down to 200 lbs. I was walking everyday and just eating healthier portions of everything.

Then I went to Africa for a 2 week vacation. I went as part of a group from a local zoo. We spent the first week and a half actually working part of the time to offset some of the cost of the trip. We were building a track for cheetahs to run on and had to dig holes with primitive tools. Such as a bar of steel with a blade attached to the end of it to bust through rocks. Well the first night there we went for a walk and were chased by a rhinoceros. Luckily he just scared us off and didn't pursue us for more than a few yards. But after that I didn't have any other walking excursions. Add to that and the fact that we were given very small portions at meal times, after a hard days work. So by the end of that part of the trip I was HUNGRY lol. When we got to the resort for actual game drives to see the animals in their native environment. I was faced with a buffet with all I could eat. So that's what I did. By the time I got back in the states I was lazy and didn't feel like walking anymore with having had 2 weeks off. So that's where I end up now at almost 300 lbs.

I was actually at 312 lbs recently. Lost the weight for a cruise and down to 270, but here I go creeping up again. I've started walking again with a co-worker after work. But to be honest she drives me crazy, with all the talking she does.

Sorry for the long post. Would love to find someone that lives close that loves animals and likes to hike. I still visit the zoo I've volunteered at for 10 years and have a close relationship with the exotic felines that were under my care!


  • melanie_005
    melanie_005 Posts: 154 Member
    Not around you but jealous of your job!!!
  • kiwisandcoconuts
    kiwisandcoconuts Posts: 59 Member
    Your volunteer work sounds incredible! What an amazing experience. Check out Meetup.com to see if there are any local hiking or walking groups to check out. I can't walk with you but I'm happy to be an accountability buddy! Currently (very slowly) training for a 5k and I'm out walking and jogging almost every day. Happy to help encourage you throughout your journey! Feel free to add me.
  • Garnica2018
    Garnica2018 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi deal me in.