Sleep....and salt

First off, I was curious as to how detrimental a lack of sleep is to your health/weight loss?? I average about 3-4 hours per night, but lately, with packing my house and my grandma in the hospital, I've gone up to 40 hours without sleep and could probably count on two hands the total amount of sleep I've gotten.

Second...My grandma IS in the hospital. She was in the ER, then ICU, and finally moved to IMC. The reason she is there is because she had a seizure due to low sodium levels. She has been on drip to get levels up to 4%! So, just a heads up, keep track of your sodium levels!! She has been getting delusional the last 3-4 months, and the docs are now saying that her lowering levels were to blame. Normal serum/urine levels should be between 135-145.

Anyway...those are my questions/thoughts for the day!