Not losing weight!

I started eating 1200 calories for a little over a month. I started at 185lbs. I don't work out but I walk at least an hour everynight at a fast pace. I lost 10 lbs my first 2 weeks and now I haven't lost anything. It's so frustrating because I only eat whole foods. I don't eat any junk. I don't even cheat. Sometimes I can barely eat the 1200 cal I've seemed to have lost my appetite. I use to be a big snacker at night and now I don't want anything at all....I know I'm probably not eating enough but what happened to "as long as you burn more then you consume you'll lose weight" ....someone please help because I feel like this is for nothing anymore and I desperately want this lifestyle. I want this to work for me....the Internet is so full of do's and don't's it's actually just more confusing.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    How do you determine how much food you're eating and logging?
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Are you weighing your food and logging everything you consume using correct entries like no generic or homemade? If you are truly only consuming 1200 you would be losing.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    So is this only week 3? you lost 10lbs in 2 weeks which is a lot to lose very quickly.
    How are you determining your calorie intake? are you logging everything you eat on this app?
    And walking for an hour IS a workout.
  • quietone44
    quietone44 Posts: 37 Member
    I count calories carefully. I read all labels and I try to stay within my macros. I eat a lot of protein and vegetables. I have spinach Broccoli Asparagus salads with low cal dressing or sometimes no dressing. I've cut out all junk food. I believe I am correctly logging my calories. I don't actually have a food scale but sometimes I'll even log a bit bigger portion of the food just to be sure I'm not under estimating . I log EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. And I log every walk or exercise I do. I just seem to have stalled and I know it can't be plateau because it's only been a month....
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    quietone44 wrote: »
    I count calories carefully. I read all labels and I try to stay within my macros. I eat a lot of protein and vegetables. I have spinach Broccoli Asparagus salads with low cal dressing or sometimes no dressing. I've cut out all junk food. I believe I am correctly logging my calories. I don't actually have a food scale but sometimes I'll even log a bit bigger portion of the food just to be sure I'm not under estimating . I log EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. And I log every walk or exercise I do. I just seem to have stalled and I know it can't be plateau because it's only been a month....

    You're eating more than you think.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    In 4 weeks, you lost 10 pounds? Expectations?
  • quietone44
    quietone44 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm absolutely sure I'm not eating 1200 calories. I'm definitely not eating too much. I lost the 1st 10 lbs quick but I assume it was water weight etc. But I expect to lose 1-2lbs a week....I'm wondering if maybe my body thinks food is scarce so it's actually just doing the opposite of what I want...can my body just be storing all my calories. The issue is NOT that I'm eating too much as I've said there's days I barely eat 1000 calories.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    If you're not using a food scale, you are not logging accurately. Food packaging and measuring cups can be off by up to 20%. Invest in a scale, start weighing your portions.
  • quietone44
    quietone44 Posts: 37 Member
    I mean let's even bite on the theory that I'm eating TOO much. Too much of what? I don't consume anything really that would cause my to gain any weight. Even if I ate a pound of spinach would that be overboard? I don't drink anything other then water and one cup of tea a day. So what could I be indulging in that would cause me to not lose weight. I usually have half a chicken breast for supper with steamed broccoli and Cucumber. Lunch is usually whole wheat pita with the other half chicken breast spinach Cucumber Tzatziki and hot peppers. I don't snack much occasionally a few Almonds maybe 10. I only cook with evoo. No added sugars or toppings. Breakfast is hard boiled eggs and maybe a slice of Turkey bacon if I'm splurging that day....I really dont get it. I'm filling myself up with good foods which is a dramatic change from what I use to eat...
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    quietone44 wrote: »
    I mean let's even bite on the theory that I'm eating TOO much. Too much of what? I don't consume anything really that would cause my to gain any weight. Even if I ate a pound of spinach would that be overboard? I don't drink anything other then water and one cup of tea a day. So what could I be indulging in that would cause me to not lose weight. I usually have half a chicken breast for supper with steamed broccoli and Cucumber. Lunch is usually whole wheat pita with the other half chicken breast spinach Cucumber Tzatziki and hot peppers. I don't snack much occasionally a few Almonds maybe 10. I only cook with evoo. No added sugars or toppings. Breakfast is hard boiled eggs and maybe a slice of Turkey bacon if I'm splurging that day....I really dont get it. I'm filling myself up with good foods which is a dramatic change from what I use to eat...

    too much of any food can cause weight gain. its not what you eat its how much you eat. I got fat eating mostly fruits and veggies because I was eating more than my body burned. olive oil is 120 calories a tbsp.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    edited February 2018
    If you are convinced that you are logging accurately, it could be hormonal fluctuations, ToM, ovulation, higher sodium intake, if you started a new workout regime, your muscles could be retaining water for repair.

    When I first started counting calories, I didn't use a scale, and weight dropped initially and then stalled. Once I started using that scale, I noticed a huge difference in what I thought a portion was vs reality.

    Every response on this thread are being made by people who have been where you are. We're speaking from experience.

    It's your choice whether you want to listen or not.

    Edited to add: I took a peek at your diary. You stated you're logging accurately, but I see a lot of generic entries. 2 chicken thighs, how big were they? scrambled eggs. How were they cooked? Did you use oil/butter/cooking sprays? Those aren't logged.
  • quietone44
    quietone44 Posts: 37 Member
    I know. So what I'm getting from the responses is to eat less and get a scale to weigh everything.. I just worry that eating any less then I am will prompt my body to go into starvation mode and have the reverse affect. I really want this to work for me and I try to educate myself the best I can so I can successfully lose the weight but it can be so confusing and sometimes contridicting. I'm eating small dinner and lunch even when I don't want to eat because I'm trying to reach my 1200 calories. But maybe I should only eat when I really feel hungry?
  • bblue656
    bblue656 Posts: 159 Member
    I had weight loss surgery and lost 10 lbs the first 2 weeks. Be careful.
  • nrtauthor
    nrtauthor Posts: 159 Member
    Give it time. :) Just keep doing what you're doing and don't stress it. Give your body time to adjust. Weight loss isn't like it is on TV or in commercials. It's a gradual process. Some weeks you'll lose, some weeks you won't. Just keep eating healthy and exercising. Unless you start gaining, you're probably okay.

    I'm not going to question your calorie count btw. That's for you to figure out. Presuming you ARE only eating 1200 calories, this plateau could be your body adjusting. Also that 10lb lost might have been a 'false' loss. I've lost 4lbs overnight and I think it's usually things like water weight or whatever because I bounce back to regular weight the next day. :)
  • quietone44
    quietone44 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank u all very much! You're all very helpful. I'm only trying to get the best advice so that I can stay on the right track. Definitely going to get a scale to do this properly. And hopefully I'll gain some insight to where the problem really is.
  • lsarkkinen
    lsarkkinen Posts: 1 Member
    Hitting a plateau is super frustrating for sure!! I havent lost anything for the past couple of weeks and am being very diligent. My nutritionist said to go have all my hormone levels tested so that is what I am doing. Sometimes if things are unbalanced it stalls weight loss. I would say try a few more weeks and if your not losing, seek professional help.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    edited February 2018
    quietone44 wrote: »
    I know. So what I'm getting from the responses is to eat less and get a scale to weigh everything.. I just worry that eating any less then I am will prompt my body to go into starvation mode and have the reverse affect. I really want this to work for me and I try to educate myself the best I can so I can successfully lose the weight but it can be so confusing and sometimes contridicting. I'm eating small dinner and lunch even when I don't want to eat because I'm trying to reach my 1200 calories. But maybe I should only eat

    Starvation mode (in the context you refer to) is a myth.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    lsarkkinen wrote: »
    Hitting a plateau is super frustrating for sure!! I havent lost anything for the past couple of weeks and am being very diligent. My nutritionist said to go have all my hormone levels tested so that is what I am doing. Sometimes if things are unbalanced it stalls weight loss. I would say try a few more weeks and if your not losing, seek professional help.

    Two weeks isn't enough to consider a plateau or even whether there's a concern with your hormone levels. Nutritionists generally don't have a great education background, you get more out of seeing a registered dietician.
  • gingilebanon2012
    gingilebanon2012 Posts: 15 Member
    I have been doing this way longer than you and haven’t lost as much. Now I’m convinced that I need a food scale. Confused as to which one to get. Not letting myself be discouraged and pushing on. Keep going, you’re doing great