Low-carbing to large weight-loss...while on crutches =)

Heylo all! While I joined MFP back in September, I didn't actually start USING it until 5 weeks ago. Sadly, in the intervening months, I gained even more weight, so my weight-loss goal is quite substantial! In the past 5 weeks, I have lost 15 lbs -- and many, many more to go.

Basically, I'm tired of hating my weight and hating how I look and being terrified of being in photos or looking in the mirror. I've been living my life in such fear, sadness, and shame, just because of my weight. So many people de-value you if you're heavy. Why is it still perceived as okay to yell obscenities at overweight people on the street?

I'm wondering if anyone else is dealing with...

1) SURGERY -- Is anyone else recovering from substantial surgery or injury and trying to lose weight at the same time? I had major knee/tibia reconstructive surgery 3 months ago. I'm still on crutches, although I've been upgraded to weight-bearing status 3 weeks ago. Obviously, all cardio exercise (other than walking on crutches) is out of the question. I have another 10 months of recovery in front of me. At times, this is very dispiriting. =( I would like to reach my weight-loss goal within a year, but I know this will be really challenging with my physical recovery.

2) KETO / VERY LOW CARB -- Is anyone else doing a keto or very low-carb diet? I am! I'm hoping to find some fellow dieters out there. I was doing quite well for the first 4 weeks on my diet (keto + calorie restriction), but have recently inexplicably GAINED back 2 pounds.

My goal is to not simply diet but make a commitment to a lifestyle change. My knee problems are genetic, but being so very overweight has only worsened the problem! I also have been dealing with high blood pressure for some years. I successfully quit smoking (whoo!) over 3 months ago (right before I turned 30), and I have lost 15 lbs. in the past 5 weeks.