Warning! Errors in food data base!



  • Madele1ne
    Madele1ne Posts: 23 Member
    This can get pretty annoying for things that don't come in a package, eg I found 3 different listings for the calorie value of avocado.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    It's annoying but it is down to regional differences and/or the manufacturer changing products slightly.

    PS Your dog. :-D
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    For an item to be added to the database, a person would have had to scan the item, it not be in the database, and they add it. They don't just automatically get added to the database based on the bar code.
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    No one should be scanning barcodes and assuming it is correct. The barcodes are still user inputted. I check everything. I do wish there was a way to delete things out of the database because with this many users all entering their own over and over, it is going to get to the point where the database becomes a beast with so much incorrect entires that it becomes more of a pain in the *kitten* to use than it should be.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I have found things wrong. I cant remember the food but i know it had sodium and this one choice in the database said 0 sodium.

    So how are we to trust the food database here?

    what can we trust as far as true nutrients in a food?
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I check all the values when I do a search, they are often wrong. The thing that really gets me is when you use the bar code & they are still wrong! The other day I used the bar code for a frozen dinner & it came back as a can of baked beans. way off.
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    add your own food, what your relying on are items other people have entered you can add your items yourself properly

    What she said.

    I always add my own food. I feel better about it :)

    i get your sentiment here, but the WHOLE REASON i chose MFP is convenience.....i don't want to spend over 10 minutes a day logging food....it is boring and time consuming.....convenience is key.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I'm finding a TON of wrong values I have just changed Kraft Crunchy Peanut Butter, Six Star Whey Protein Cookies and Cream, and Activia yogurt. Its a bit frustrating having to double check everything. Im wondering if some products are different in different regions?

    No need to get frustrated. Like Maya said above, you are relying on other peoples entries. Scan bar codes yourself. Look up caloric values on your foods yourself. Do the leg work now and you won't have to worry about these problems later. Then when you save your own entries you can later on select the stuff you input and know its right because you did it. It may be tedious now but its well worth it.

    Sure, that is easy to SAY, but I am a busy mom of three kids and a dog with a full time job, house, graduate classes, helping my son search for colleges, and trying to be a fabulous wife to my hubby. I also fit in an hour of exercise every day and cook healthy food for everyone. I rely on this website to track my calories because it is convenient. I appreciate people fixing errors in the data base and I switched from spark people because this site is easier and quicker. Every little bit to make it easier helps.
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I get frustrated when I scan an item and the bar code is wrong. I don't get that. Manufacturer error?
    Me too! I also hate that the same item can be there 2, 3 even 4 times with different information - drives me insane! =)
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    That is why i always check what i am entering against the label.
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    I agree and I like the convenience and honestly why sometimes I leave some wiggle room. We may not always have exact measures in everyday life. :) just glad the OP knows to look for variances and adjustments.
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    PEOPLE - The entires are USER ENTERED - even the BAR CODES. USER ENTERED. Double check everything. The owners of the site didn't spend years entering all the food for you. Users have entered it all.

    I've found a lot of errors, but a lot of things right. Check to see how many users have said it is correct. If it is 0, double check that it is right.

    This is not that serious.

    (And for the record, also a busy mom of three, a dog, with a full time teaching job, a second job, selling and buying a house, while taking classes.)
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I always check before I add items to my diary. Products change and people make mistakes.

    ^^^ me too, It would be impossible to have a comprehensive 100% accurate database anyway, it would be out of date within a millisecond of completing it!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    YOu aren't warning people anything we don't already know about items in the food database, you shouldn't just go by what the MFP database sais anyway, 98% is user inputted foods which are incorrect or may vary greatly between producers, countries and alot is listed in weird measurements that dont tell you anything like 1 Slice

    Yeah ok so what is the users definition of 1 slice? Food should be input in there standard weights ie GRAMS, OZ, lbs for solids and Cups/ml's for powdered or liquids not Slices, 1/8 of a pie, 1 dish, 1 serving of a homemade item.. and above all Nutrient levels, even if it's a rough guide is better then something input with just Calories and nothing else.

    If the item has a * next to it, it was input by a user not MFP staff and no way in hell can we expect the staff to filter through the database and take out any invalid entries, that would take years.


    I love that they have 25 calories for one slice of deli chicken. I use that ALL the time. So when I eat four slices of buffalo chicken for a snack, I don't feel guilty. I didn't know things were that off on the site, so it really isn't something we ALL knew already. Still losing weight though, so it must mean tracking your food works even if everything else isn't perfect...:wink:
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    I just add all my own foods from now on, as even if you use something from the database that you know to be correct, someone can come along and edit it from the database and you may not even realise.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    PEOPLE - The entires are USER ENTERED - even the BAR CODES. USER ENTERED. Double check everything. The owners of the site didn't spend years entering all the food for you. Users have entered it all.

    I've found a lot of errors, but a lot of things right. Check to see how many users have said it is correct. If it is 0, double check that it is right.

    This is not that serious.

    (And for the record, also a busy mom of three, a dog, with a full time teaching job, a second job, selling and buying a house, while taking classes.)

    Yes, but do you cook healthy every day AND work out an hour daily. LOL. Sounds like you are just more dedicated than I am I guess. I'll have to limp along in life knowing there is someone out there who is better at time management and more dedicated:sad: . How will I go on......
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    You were the one throwing it in people's face how much busier you are than everyone. ;)

    Just making the point that other people have lives and find the time to check things. You get what you give.
  • red869
    red869 Posts: 59
    This is why I always double check on other websites or look at the packaging of the item to make sure it's right. I usually opt for whichever one has the highest calories. Supermarket websites I find are pretty accurate, so I just look at the nutritional information on them.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    don't forget, for most things as far as sandwiches, they are counting a serving size, which is usually just half a sandwich. but I recommend weighing everything out and putting it in separately, or if it is eaten frequently put it in as a recipe and adjust the potion sizes accordingly
  • SteviMcEwan
    Values are also different depending on what country you are in. I always check mine first then find one in the data base that matches :) x