Would it really be that big of a deal if I cut my calories?

I've hit another platue just 2 weeks after getting past my last one and plus, I really would like to fit into a dress I want before September 30th and its a size 12/13. I'm 5'2 and 173 lbs and I eat alot of high nutrients food like salads and I eat alot of lean protein and fruit. It's only 200 less calories. Would it be that big of a deal?


  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    What would 200 less put you at? 1600? 600? The actual amount kind of matters.

    Also 2 weeks isn't a stall; weight loss isn't linear and happens in spurts and stops.
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    What would 200 less put you at? 1600? 600? The actual amount kind of matters.

    Also 2 weeks isn't a stall; weight loss isn't linear and happens in spurts and stops.

    ^yeah, that.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    2 weeks is not a plateau. It's just frustrating. :)
  • Haley_alyssa98
    Oh. Sorry, I forgot to put that. I usually eat 1200 calories a day and I've been on this platue for about 6 weeks now. I was saying that 2 weeks after that first one, I hit this one, which has last about 6 almost 7 weeks. I guess I need to be more thorough with my question.
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    i would not cut lower then 1200. thats just not healthy. sorry, not what you want to hear. your long term health is more important and if you lose the weight in an unhealthy way it may just bounce back on.
    what about modifying your diet? you say you eat quite healthy but what about cutting carbs for a bit? or increasing your exercise? drink more water?
  • pjacademy
    how much more do you have to lose?

    my first thought is you actually aren't eating enough :0)
  • Haley_alyssa98
    i would not cut lower then 1200. thats just not healthy. sorry, not what you want to hear. your long term health is more important and if you lose the weight in an unhealthy way it may just bounce back on.
    what about modifying your diet? you say you eat quite healthy but what about cutting carbs for a bit? or increasing your exercise? drink more water?

    I run about an hour everyday then I come home and do a 1 mile walk workout video workout video so 75 minutes a day I exercise, but I guess I could push it up to a hundred and go biking or swimming. And plus, since I run I need carbs so I can't cut those. I guess I could drink more water too. :) Thanks
  • Britters101
    Britters101 Posts: 10 Member
    Like others have said, chances are that you haven't actually reached a plateau. If you're eating exactly 1200 calories a day and exercise, I wouldn't worry about a couple weeks at a constant weight. I actually just came out of a three-week standstill myself, but just this weigh-in, I discovered that I had lost four pounds. Don't worry too much about not losing massive amounts of weight at once.

    Many fitness experts and websites, including MyFitnessPal, state that you should never eat less than 1200 calories a day minimum. It can actually lower your metabolism, so you won't lose as much weight as you think you will. Additionally, depriving your body of much-needed calories can start the breakdown of your muscles (your body will use your muscles' protein for energy to replace the calories that you do not provide), which is damaging to your internal organs and can lead to long-term heart damage.

    If you are really concerned with not losing any weight, try increasing your exercise.
  • Haley_alyssa98
    how much more do you have to lose?

    my first thought is you actually aren't eating enough :0)

    I have 10 more or so to lose until I fit into that dress (I hope) and altogether I have about 48 more to go. I've lost 25 so far.
  • Haley_alyssa98
    Like others have said, chances are that you haven't actually reached a plateau. If you're eating exactly 1200 calories a day and exercise, I wouldn't worry about a couple weeks at a constant weight. I actually just came out of a three-week standstill myself, but just this weigh-in, I discovered that I had lost four pounds. Don't worry too much about not losing massive amounts of weight at once.

    Many fitness experts and websites, including MyFitnessPal, state that you should never eat less than 1200 calories a day minimum. It can actually lower your metabolism, so you won't lose as much weight as you think you will. Additionally, depriving your body of much-needed calories can start the breakdown of your muscles (your body will use your muscles' protein for energy to replace the calories that you do not provide), which is damaging to your internal organs and can lead to long-term heart damage.

    If you are really concerned with not losing any weight, try increasing your exercise.

    I usually do 75 minutes of cardio but I'll probably go up to about 100. I was just seeing if 200 less calories would make a big of a difference since I eat pretty healthy.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    how much more do you have to lose?

    my first thought is you actually aren't eating enough :0)

    I have 10 more or so to lose until I fit into that dress (I hope) and altogether I have about 48 more to go. I've lost 25 so far.

    So you when you stall at 1000, you'll go lower? 800: 600? 200? No. Just no

    For 10lbs you need to redo your #s and set it at 0.5lb/week loss and make sure you pick the correct activity level. also eat your exercise calories back because that's how MFP works. The formula can be found on the goals page.

    the closer to goal you are/the less you have to lose, the harder and longer it will take.

    You are creating huge deficits. mfp already puts you at a deficit. Creating too large a deficit is counterproductive.
  • jaggerhawks
    jaggerhawks Posts: 187 Member
    The real point of a calorie requirement is focused on getting your macro's in. It's hard to get the right nutrients on a LCD. People are often too quick to call a plateau, and it might be useful to stay consistent with your routine.
  • Haley_alyssa98
    how much more do you have to lose?

    my first thought is you actually aren't eating enough :0)

    I have 10 more or so to lose until I fit into that dress (I hope) and altogether I have about 48 more to go. I've lost 25 so far.

    So you when you stall at 1000, you'll go lower? 800: 600? 200? No. Just no

    For 10lbs you need to redo your #s and set it at 0.5lb/week loss and make sure you pick the correct activity level. also eat your exercise calories back because that's how MFP works. The formula can be found on the goals page.

    the closer to goal you are/the less you have to lose, the harder and longer it will take.

    You are creating huge deficits. mfp already puts you at a deficit. Creating too large a deficit is counterproductive.

    I'm not an idiot. I'm not going to cut it below 1000 ever. And I need to lose more than .5 lbs a week. I don't want to take 5 years to get to my goal weight. No one else ever has told me I need to eat my calories back and I do alot a research on fitness and health. I just figure cutting the equivalent to a glass of pepsi wouldn't make that much of a negative impact.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    Like others have said, chances are that you haven't actually reached a plateau. If you're eating exactly 1200 calories a day and exercise, I wouldn't worry about a couple weeks at a constant weight. I actually just came out of a three-week standstill myself, but just this weigh-in, I discovered that I had lost four pounds. Don't worry too much about not losing massive amounts of weight at once.

    Many fitness experts and websites, including MyFitnessPal, state that you should never eat less than 1200 calories a day minimum. It can actually lower your metabolism, so you won't lose as much weight as you think you will. Additionally, depriving your body of much-needed calories can start the breakdown of your muscles (your body will use your muscles' protein for energy to replace the calories that you do not provide), which is damaging to your internal organs and can lead to long-term heart damage.

    If you are really concerned with not losing any weight, try increasing your exercise.

    I usually do 75 minutes of cardio but I'll probably go up to about 100. I was just seeing if 200 less calories would make a big of a difference since I eat pretty healthy.

    If you want to get the most out of your exercise routine, I would suggest looking into adding some strength training instead of more cardio. Even doing a video using dumb bells at home can help you get some the benefits of weight lifting. Weight lifting activates muscle metabolism that will continue burning calories for hours even after you are done working out.

    And I'm also seconding the idea that you may actually not be eating enough. If you are only eating 1200 calories and you are exercising this much, you are netting way less than 1000. That's hard on your metabolism and could explain the slow down in and of itself. What are you using to calculate your daily calorie requirement?
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Inboxed you
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    how much more do you have to lose?

    my first thought is you actually aren't eating enough :0)

    I have 10 more or so to lose until I fit into that dress (I hope) and altogether I have about 48 more to go. I've lost 25 so far.

    So you when you stall at 1000, you'll go lower? 800: 600? 200? No. Just no

    For 10lbs you need to redo your #s and set it at 0.5lb/week loss and make sure you pick the correct activity level. also eat your exercise calories back because that's how MFP works. The formula can be found on the goals page.

    the closer to goal you are/the less you have to lose, the harder and longer it will take.

    You are creating huge deficits. mfp already puts you at a deficit. Creating too large a deficit is counterproductive.

    I'm not an idiot. I'm not going to cut it below 1000 ever. And I need to lose more than .5 lbs a week. I don't want to take 5 years to get to my goal weight. No one else ever has told me I need to eat my calories back and I do alot a research on fitness and health. I just figure cutting the equivalent to a glass of pepsi wouldn't make that much of a negative impact.

    First: You don't need to lose more than .5 a week, you just want to.

    Second: Did you set MFP to lose .5 a week? If no then what kind of point is this?

    Third: IF you're willing to cut now to fit into a dress then who are we to assume you wouldn't cut more later to fit into some other dress or some bikini or whatever else.

    Fourth: MFP already has you at the proper deficit. (250 cals a day for .5 pounds a week, 500 cals a day for 1 pound, 750 for 1.5, etc etc.)

    Five: If you are already eating at 1200 and not eating back exercise calories there is basically nothing left to cut. Whatever number your netting is already below 1200, isn't it?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    how much more do you have to lose?

    my first thought is you actually aren't eating enough :0)

    I have 10 more or so to lose until I fit into that dress (I hope) and altogether I have about 48 more to go. I've lost 25 so far.

    So you when you stall at 1000, you'll go lower? 800: 600? 200? No. Just no

    For 10lbs you need to redo your #s and set it at 0.5lb/week loss and make sure you pick the correct activity level. also eat your exercise calories back because that's how MFP works. The formula can be found on the goals page.

    the closer to goal you are/the less you have to lose, the harder and longer it will take.

    You are creating huge deficits. mfp already puts you at a deficit. Creating too large a deficit is counterproductive.

    I'm not an idiot. I'm not going to cut it below 1000 ever. And I need to lose more than .5 lbs a week. I don't want to take 5 years to get to my goal weight. No one else ever has told me I need to eat my calories back and I do alot a research on fitness and health. I just figure cutting the equivalent to a glass of pepsi wouldn't make that much of a negative impact.

    You obviously didn't comprehend that it is going to take longer to lose those last 10lbs. And what does it matter if it is 5 months or 5 years? If you start doing unsafe things to get to your goal weight fast, you are going to end up gaining it back, especially because the scale is so unreliable in regards to tracking progress.'

    In my opinion, you should focus on a body fat % goal and fitness goals.

    You keep pushing your body like this, maintenance is going to be hard and you'll end up cycling back and forth with those 10lbs...if not more.
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    how much more do you have to lose?

    my first thought is you actually aren't eating enough :0)

  • Haley_alyssa98
    Like others have said, chances are that you haven't actually reached a plateau. If you're eating exactly 1200 calories a day and exercise, I wouldn't worry about a couple weeks at a constant weight. I actually just came out of a three-week standstill myself, but just this weigh-in, I discovered that I had lost four pounds. Don't worry too much about not losing massive amounts of weight at once.

    Many fitness experts and websites, including MyFitnessPal, state that you should never eat less than 1200 calories a day minimum. It can actually lower your metabolism, so you won't lose as much weight as you think you will. Additionally, depriving your body of much-needed calories can start the breakdown of your muscles (your body will use your muscles' protein for energy to replace the calories that you do not provide), which is damaging to your internal organs and can lead to long-term heart damage.

    If you are really concerned with not losing any weight, try increasing your exercise.

    I usually do 75 minutes of cardio but I'll probably go up to about 100. I was just seeing if 200 less calories would make a big of a difference since I eat pretty healthy.

    If you want to get the most out of your exercise routine, I would suggest looking into adding some strength training instead of more cardio. Even doing a video using dumb bells at home can help you get some the benefits of weight lifting. Weight lifting activates muscle metabolism that will continue burning calories for hours even after you are done working out.

    And I'm also seconding the idea that you may actually not be eating enough. If you are only eating 1200 calories and you are exercising this much, you are netting way less than 1000. That's hard on your metabolism and could explain the slow down in and of itself. What are you using to calculate your daily calorie requirement?

    I'm using mfp to calculate it. I was just wondering if 200 calories would be THAT big of a deal but I guess it is.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    how much more do you have to lose?

    my first thought is you actually aren't eating enough :0)

    I have 10 more or so to lose until I fit into that dress (I hope) and altogether I have about 48 more to go. I've lost 25 so far.

    So you when you stall at 1000, you'll go lower? 800: 600? 200? No. Just no

    For 10lbs you need to redo your #s and set it at 0.5lb/week loss and make sure you pick the correct activity level. also eat your exercise calories back because that's how MFP works. The formula can be found on the goals page.

    the closer to goal you are/the less you have to lose, the harder and longer it will take.

    You are creating huge deficits. mfp already puts you at a deficit. Creating too large a deficit is counterproductive.

    I'm not an idiot. I'm not going to cut it below 1000 ever. And I need to lose more than .5 lbs a week. I don't want to take 5 years to get to my goal weight. No one else ever has told me I need to eat my calories back and I do alot a research on fitness and health. I just figure cutting the equivalent to a glass of pepsi wouldn't make that much of a negative impact.

    You obviously didn't comprehend that it is going to take longer to lose those last 10lbs. And what does it matter if it is 5 months or 5 years? If you start doing unsafe things to get to your goal weight fast, you are going to end up gaining it back, especially because the scale is so unreliable in regards to tracking progress.'

    In my opinion, you should focus on a body fat % goal and fitness goals.

    You keep pushing your body like this, maintenance is going to be hard and you'll end up cycling back and forth with those 10lbs...if not more.

    I misread. You have about 50lbs to go but you are trying to rush 10lbs. Just don't. For 50lbs, set it at 1lb/week loss. I'm at about 40-60 to go (I'm aiming more for 18-20% body fat) and it's set at 1lb/week.

    Also, weight training as someone said. It sounds like you are focusing more on body recomp and that is done with a focus on strength training.