Temptation In The Home...



  • amandawhatup62
    amandawhatup62 Posts: 116 Member
    socajam wrote: »
    That's on you.
    I don't see why he should compromise because you do not have he willpower. Who are you losing weight for yourself or him?
    We have cashews, peanuts (my weakest link). Every time I enter the kitchen we both look at each other, and I say to them not today.
    This is not to say I do not eat them, but I leave that for the weekends when I allow myself some peanuts/cashews as my weekend treat. The rest of the time, not interested.

    I haven’t made him compromise on anything. His junk food is still in the home... I’ve been having the will power. I don’t have his soda, I don’t have his cookies, I don’t have his chips... or his ice cream... I guess I’m looking for ways to divert my thinking when it comes to wanting unhealthy foods, especially with them being right in front of my face.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    edited March 2018
    At my request, my son locks his treats up in a cabinet that we've dedicated for that purpose. He tends to eat junk foods that I binge on, so that's our compromise. Working a little into your food plan is a possibility, too, unless you just feel like you can't control yourself. In that case, since ice cream is your downfall, I've seen small freezers with locks.

    I've noticed that since my son's food is in a separate cupboard, even when he forgets and leaves the key in the lock, my brain ignores the cupboard. I don't know what he has in it - I can't crave what I don't know about - out of sight, out of mind.
  • Xxjayxxxxx
    Xxjayxxxxx Posts: 144 Member
    Not easy my girlfriend eats junk food doesn't put weight on. I try to have replacement for example replace sweets with low fat jelly I replace hot chocolate with low calorie hot chocolate. It's not easy when sweets are about.
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    jamieb7604 wrote: »
    Not easy my girlfriend eats junk food doesn't put weight on. I try to have replacement for example replace sweets with low fat jelly I replace hot chocolate with low calorie hot chocolate. It's not easy when sweets are about.

    Nobody ever said losing weight was easy.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    jamieb7604 wrote: »
    Not easy my girlfriend eats junk food doesn't put weight on. I try to have replacement for example replace sweets with low fat jelly I replace hot chocolate with low calorie hot chocolate. It's not easy when sweets are about.
    But it could be a bit easier without the envy and the subpar substitutions.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Pre-log, and see if I'll have to give up something else to stay within my goals. If I really want it I will do extra exercise.
  • amandawhatup62
    amandawhatup62 Posts: 116 Member
    mazdauk wrote: »
    Pre-log, and see if I'll have to give up something else to stay within my goals. If I really want it I will do extra exercise.

    I do meal prep every week so I know what I eat every day. Some days are just a little harder to want to stay in track I guess. When you are constantly seeing someone eat all the foods you used to eat, it sometimes gets hard... but I’m in this to win this this time! This weight loss journey, for me, is different. I have to do it this time! It is so important this go round.. my mindset has been a lot different this go round. But I’m not gonna lie, having all the temptation in my own home gets a little hard.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Since I'm the grocery shopper there is no temptation in the house. If the hubby wants something special then he gets it himself and keeps it at work. We have two small kids so we don't want any junk around. It helps us to eat better when I plan all our meals and do the shopping.
  • amandawhatup62
    amandawhatup62 Posts: 116 Member
    Since I'm the grocery shopper there is no temptation in the house. If the hubby wants something special then he gets it himself and keeps it at work. We have two small kids so we don't want any junk around. It helps us to eat better when I plan all our meals and do the shopping.

    I plan our meals and do the grocery shopping and there still is temptation lol! I don’t even buy the unhealthy items...
  • BattyKnitter
    BattyKnitter Posts: 503 Member
    My hubby likes to snack too, I got him a storage bin and he keeps his non-perishable snacks in there. It helps because it's hidden away in the bin not in the cupboards and I tell myself those are HIS snacks not mine. He's not that crazy about ice cream so I'm ok there.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Try flexible dieting. I wish I did from the beginning. I unfortunately fell for guruish bs.
  • emcclure013
    emcclure013 Posts: 231 Member
    I moved all of my husband's snack foods and things into his own cupboard. For me, out of sight out of mind is truly a thing of it's own. He has all kinds of sweets, chips, crackers, etc. in there but I don't really even think about them anymore. I agree with someone who said that you need to mentally tell yourself that they're his and not yours (I do that with peanut butter too... that's for my dog, not me!). The rest of it is your own willpower to succeed. A bunch of chips are not worth sacrificing seeing the scale go down at the end of the week for me, so I make sure to remind myself of that when I want them.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited March 2018
    So I have been making way better choices with foods than I have in the past... my fiancé likes to eat whatever he wants and will keep it in the home... how do you get past that temptation of unhealthy food in your home?!?

    I am dealing with that currently. Self-control is a huge key, I have to sternly think to myself: If you eat that snack cake, you'll end up eating that whole box and you'll end up like your old self.

    I know deep down I probably wouldn't allow myself to eat a ton of snack cakes, but the thought that I could start going to my old ways kinda steers me away from snacking on "unhealthy" foods (ex. brownies, pizza, fried chicken, sweets with added sugar.) It's perfectly fine to have a snack that may not be very healthy to you every now and then to satisfy the craving. I found if I don't do that, I'll binge on that food without even realizing it much until after.

    Each day I'll have like a few pieces of sweetened cereal (frosted mini wheats, yum) each day, or like 3 chips every so often. Not only won't it cause weight gain, it helps me get my fix. I usually eat these before a workout anyway. It might now work for you though... If you are prone to overeating on a food then I'd try and keep it away from you so you can't see it (Maybe your finace can hide it somewhere special so only he knows where it is? I used to have an intense craving for peanut butter and I had someone hide it from me because I didn't want to go out and buy more lol.)

    I wish we could hide food in my home lol

    Ooh, is the food perishable, or do you think you'll find it?

    My biggest temptation is ice cream

    Put it way behind everything else in the freezer in a hard to reach corner. If you plan it into your calories one day you'll consciously remove all the stuff that's in the way to reach for it and take your planned portion, but it won't be in your face taunting you every day every time you open the freezer. Talk to your fiance and tell him how much it would mean to you if he helped you with this one thing by always returning the ice cream to where it was every time he eats some.

    Also make sure you are getting enough calories and that you're not depriving yourself of tasty foods. If they're too high in calories to have every day at least plan them in every once in a while. When you're not hungry and craving all the time you're less likely to go on a "feed me" spree.

    This is what works for me. It may not work for everyone, but it's worth a try.
  • kls2405
    kls2405 Posts: 1 Member
    I struggle with this as well with a husband and 2 boys that are big eaters. I keep a pretty healthy cupboard but I also don't want to deprive them of being kids and having "fun" snacks around too, so I understand. On thing I did recently was get fudgesicle bars instead of a gallon of ice cream. These are low calorie, controls my portion and suffices my sweet tooth (as well as our boys) without me blowing my calories for the day. One small step at a time.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm reading a book right now called The Hungry Brain by Stephan Guyenet and it gets into why we crave certain foods and not others. If you are up for a read it would be a good one to pick up. I'm hoping it will help me understand the reason I crave and overeat certain foods (ice cream, chocolate, and chips) and not on others. All the other ideas you have been given so far are great! Best of luck OP!
  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    JaneAero wrote: »
    I find it really difficult because my husband pays the food bill and he always buys fatty, frozen or cheap things, like sausages, burgers, chips etc.

    If I tried to steer him towards the fruit, vegetables, or salad, he would buy it for me occasionally, but complain about the expense.
    I think it's obvious from reading this we are not happily married, he's not particularly nice to me, but I'm 58 and feel too old to start again at my age.

    I am determined to lose weight ,but it is quite difficult because he doesn't give me any feedback on my appearance and even if I was a perfect size 10 , he still wouldn't be interested.

    I'm now focusing on losing weight for my health rather than worrying about looking nice, looking nice for me is tied into my husband thinking I look nice as well, but he doesn't care.

    Perhaps when I do get to my target weight and I look better I will be happy with my appearance and won't care what he thinks anyway.

    Thanks for letting me get this off my chest because I struggle with not just losing weight and binging but also my appearance my self-esteem just everything

    This is heartbreaking! :disappointed: At 58 you are definitely not to old to start again and you deserve to have someone who doesn't begrudge spending money on food that you want to eat and takes the time to appreciate you.
  • _annyleigh
    _annyleigh Posts: 15 Member
    I definitely agree that it can be hard when others have treats around you. My boyfriend is a little more health conscious than he was before, but still eats things that I love (chips with cheese or other dips, Girl Scout cookies, snack cakes, etc.) and it gets frustrating sometimes to try to avoid eating it myself.

    I'll usually talk myself down from eating it by thinking of reasons why it would not be good to give in ("if you eat one, you won't be able to stop" or something along those lines). If I end up wanting it anyways, I'll either ask my boyfriend to split it with me or I'll have a micro-portion to satisfy the craving of the taste without totally blowing it. I also allow for extra snacks in my log from time to time, and if I really still can't afford to eat it, I'll exercise harder or longer to work it off. Hope this helps!