My Bog March 2

ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
It's a shame this wonderful site hasn't written me to fix my "blog" issue, but you know what - I'm ok with using this cause honestly it's just a place for me to write my thoughts which is the same as using the blog area I suppose but still feels like I'm not using the site correct, so if someone reads this - you can just ignore me, LOL (or leave a comment) who cares - I'm doing ME for the first time, putting my needs ahead of others and I'm MORE than determined. So let me say, what a crappy day - It started ok, I get up, I go out to do errands but when I get my bill for my cable WHAM they charged me 40.00 more than usual so I'm thinking I'll just call and straighten this out since I had a 2 yr contract and it's only been a year ONLY for this lady to say - nope you only had a 1 yr contract (that was a lie) but I had to go with what she says - So I say, ok, what can we do to get the price down to around 100/month because it's ONLY T.V.! She says, well there are NO promo's right now so you'll have to pay regular prices (get this) the CHEAPEST they have at comcast for basic t.v. with a few channels that I consider basic but really want like MSNBC, TLC, Lifetime, you know what I'm talking about she says is 170.00/month so I "had" to take it. I can't afford that but took it and then proceeded another few HOURS on the phone with ATT which I had the sweetest kid in south america who didn't push me one bit. I got him to put a bundle together that's "pending" for 85/month with adding an extra t.v. on it! Yippie - but I'm not done - before I buy it, I will call tomorrow and tell them I'm leaving unless they match them at least and if they won't - bye bye Comcast! I'm so tired with this and I know even the new one is year by year, but my God - 170! that's NUTS! then my older (mean) sister had to keep sending the meanest text messages to me and I had to ask her to please stop cause it was hurting my heart. All I will say about her is this - she's been mean (and I mean MEAN) to me since we were little and she says it's because I'm too nice (whatever) - all I know is she's in her 60's and she's still doing it and it really hurts me (I wish it didn't) but I'm just so sensitive, loving and kind but you know what? I'd rather be the way I am even if I get hurt. I know she's miserable, she's been fired from jobs, she has a sad marriage and I could make a list, so I can't be mad at her, I'm hurt but here's the BLESSING! I am NOT wanting to use food for comfort! Glory be to GOD - there's the MIRACLE and BLESSING - YASSSSS! Tomorrow is another day and my surgery is getting nearer and I need to get this all figured out before surgery. I want peace - that's the key to everything on earth - PEACE of mind, PEACE of heart, PEACE only the Lord can give me, so I end again, encouraging myself! I'm proud of me! I really am - and I need to eat because I didn't eat all day until now - yikes - how funny when cravings leave and I can go all day like this, but I KNOW it's not good - I know what to do and not do - I hope I don't have another person saying "it's unhealthy you need to eat more, LOL" like I don't know - - but I know they say it with good intentions, but I want to use this site to encourage one another - not bash, tell anyone what to do or not do, I can only be me and control only me and share what works for me - and that's what I want to hear, I want to hear what works for them and maybe I'll grab some of their methods if I haven't thought of it - so either I'll just say thank you or just ignore the comment like I have with the first one - but makes me shut down to them a little - it's all good - I love everyone!!!! Now to relax the rest of the evening and prepare to call comcast tomorrow - and try NOT to worry about Christopher (my son) - I'll give him more thought tomorrow too, I need to relax now! I did NOT weigh myself again so that also is GREAT! YASSSSSSSSSSSS