I’m stuck! :((

Hey everyone! My name is Alice and I’ve been on my weight journey for about four and a half months. I’ve lost about 36 lbs and gone from an overweight BMI to a healthy one. Looking back at my before pictures I see the difference and I’m really proud of myself but I’m still about 15lbs from my goal. I eat about 1200 cals a day, on a vegetarian and low dairy diet, and run 2 miles at least 3 times a week as well as other strengthening exercises. Unfortunate the past two weeks I’ve hit a wall! I fluctuate between 145 and 145.6 lbs with no real loss. It’s super demoralizing for a goal oriented person like myself and I don’t know why to do!!! Does anyone have a helpful tip or suggestion?? Thank you guys!!!!!


  • Garnica2018
    Garnica2018 Posts: 107 Member
    We are in exactly the same page. I am trying to figure out what is going on. For me maybe hormone related:-(