Finding it really tough/ mild depression.

When I was younger I could “get into the zone”. Now I must say, I find moderating kcal intake challenging. I eat when stressed and bored. I have a tough jobs and children (as do most of the population).

I keep thinking tomorrow will be different. I seem to be stuck in a rut and turning to food too often. I am worried as I’m gradually gaining weight and saw a sign stating obesity is linked to cancer and I thought actually this does matter, I can’t ignore there’s a problem. I just can’t seem to get into a great routine. I used to love running but now injured so exercise my other stress go to is more limited.

I suppose I’m seeking support from those who have been through this or have strategies to manage.

Thank you if you can offer any insights.


  • Lutielu
    Lutielu Posts: 188 Member
    Change can’t happen overnight, you start making little changes that will eventually add up to one big change. Don’t be discouraged! I don’t know how you’re injured but yoga has made a big difference for me managing stress and depression.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    I have been where you are - you are doing a good thing by putting your voice out there and asking for help (or at least venting!). I think the scariest moment is when you know in your head that you need to change but the rest of you is scared and doesn't wanna (insert fave kid tantrum here). Even if you can't get as much exercise as you want to (yet), eating better will feel great once you get going. I found it really helped to think through the habits at a time when you're relaxed and feeling ok. Ask if the food you eat to relieve stress really relieves stress, or does it make you feel worse. If it only helps for a couple of minutes, and then makes you feel bad, you need some other ideas. What are you asking or expecting the food to give you? A moment to sit down? Some deep breathing (those sighs of relief), thinking, avoiding thinking - there is probably quite a list. Try to just do those things without the eating and see if it helps. Each time you go for the mad raging gotta eat this, take a sec to ask what you need for real. I found that helped a lot and I came up with a few alternatives to relieve the stress. Alternative foods help too. It's hard but tracking and maybe joining a challenge or group helps too.

    I have gone on too long! You've got this - the great feeling of taking care of and enjoying your body can come back!