getting bored

lamariana2 Posts: 12 Member
I feel i'm getting bored. i count calories about 1200 a day. I choose healthy foods, so it's a good amount of food, and i feel satisfied with what i eat. I need to focus on that, when i was eating junk, i felt sleepy, foggy and bloated, so i dont want to go back to that. I did not lose anything the first week, but i weighed myself after going to a buffet the day before. it was scary to think i was not going to lose any weight, because i am choosing quality fresh food, milk produce, lean protein, simply prepared, and cut out soda and sugar. The buffet was an exception. I have lost 5 pounds on the second week. So the results are there. I still cannot get myself to work out. I plan to start out slowly with half hour on the treadmill or eliptical. I can do a half hour. better than nothing :).


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Starting off slowly means dedicating to 10 minutes at a time. Half an hour is a full workout.

    Your results will continue to bounce around. Sometimes the scale may even go up a bit. The important thing is that you stick with the program. It is only a problem if the scale goes up two or three weeks in a row, or goes up and stays up. Then you need to reevaluate.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    Try breaking things down more. Eating healthy, eating the correct amount of calories, logging/measuring foods and picking excercises are all seperate activities. You say you are bored, what SPECIFICALLY are you having the most trouble with? Is it the food? Try experimenting with different recipes or types of foods. Is it the weighing? Maybe preweigh and prep foods a couple times a week so you don't have to think about it as often. Is it that you hate watching tv without snacking? Maybe pickup a hobby like crochet or sketching to keep your hands busy.
    The same goes for excercise. Break it down. What do you actually enjoy doing? Maybe turning on your favorite podcast, or tv show will help? Maybe turn on your favourite music and sing super loudly while doing your eliptical?
    As long as you connect everything into one big "diet life" than hating one part will make you more likely to hate the rest. But if you just break everything down into seperate new habits and activities it is much easier to keep up with everything else, when one part falls down.