Exercising regularly and still gaining weight?!

cysoon Posts: 1 Member
edited March 2018 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
Hi there,

I am really confused with what’s happening and if someone can shed some light on this, it would be very much appreciated. I started my regular workout routine (3 times a week) since July last year. Usually my each workout would last for about one hour which consisted of cardio for the first 20 mins and then resistance training (however I didn’t do abundant strength training like body builders do, just lifting light weights, planks etc). I started with 53kgs, and weighed myself around end of sept which was still pretty much the same, but just 2 weeks ago when I weighed myself I am now 59 kgs. I couldn’t really think of a reason why I could have gained these much weights as I haven’t really changed my diet much (still eating normal diets as I used to), and I noticed that some of my tops are getting tighter around the shoulders and upper arms. My overall body shape hasn’t changed much from what I can tell with that much weight gain. But I just can’t figure out what I have done wrong?? I was keen to lose/maintain weight when I first started but definitely not gaining weight!


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited March 2018
    To see an increase in weight you have been eating over your TDEE/maintenance calories consistently.

    You don't mention logging food - do you track it?
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    You are eating more calories than you are burning
  • Smiler_85
    Smiler_85 Posts: 11 Member
    I have had a similar experience in the past.

    My weight gain was definitely due to increased calories, but at the time, I argued that I had obviously just increased my muscle mass. Looking back, that previous me needs a high five in the face.

    Since then, I have assessed my pattern.
    When I work out, I eat more. I'm sure this is the case with a lot of people. I used to workout 5 times a week before work. I was eating more and while I was eating the right things, I just ate far too much of it. I would snack on nuts whenever the fancy took me, I would eat hummus and carrot sticks, I even went as far as one stage simply eating a spoonful of coconut oil to take the hunger pangs away. All of these things are great. But when you are eating all of these things every day, I was bound to put on weight due to all the (albeit, good) fat I was consuming, regardless of how amazing the workout in the morning was. See what I mean about needing the slap in the face?

    Totally agree with the other people in the comments, track your food. And watch out for portion sizes, that's something I'm tackling now.

    You have access to this fabulous free app, use it to its full potential. Trust me, when used right and with the right support from it, you will lose the weight you crave. I have been on MFP for years and only just started taking it seriously. Find some like minded friends using the forums and they will help you get the motivation to keeping coming back on here to log your food and reach your goal.

    I wish you all the best with your journey xx