Hiya! =D

HI! My name is Nicky. I'm 42 and a nerd. lol I have been over weight for the majority of my life until I decided it was time to get healthy in Oct 2017. At that time I weighed 280 lbs, was on blood pressure medication, and stomach medication. My back hurt all the time, and I was miserable. My goal became to lose enough weight to get off my meds.
I made the decision to start eating Low Carb, moderate protein because I really felt like it would be a sustainable way of eating for me...and it has been!
I am down 95lbs and just began working out a month ago, doing weight training and cardio. Going to the gym is something I really enjoy and look forward to! I have also been off all my medication for over a month now with NO issues! :)
I really enjoy the MyFitnessPal app as it helps me stay in control of my eating habits. I'm a strict macro watcher and track -everything- I eat.
Not quite sure what else to say...happy to be here! Thanks for taking the time to read this! :)


  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi Nicky! Great to meet you! You have done fantastic! I’m also moving to a more low carb plan. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.