100 Pound Down and I feel like I have accomplished nothing

So this week marked my weight loss to 100 pounds. I have not been this weight since High School. This is the not the first time that I have lost a large amount of weight (last time was 60 pounds through a series of master cleanse and a bunch of random "diets") its just the second time that I have done it steadily and healthy like a normal person should. I have learned a lot more, taken classes, taken college courses, and participated in weight training believing that the more I learn the less likely I will have a relapse this time.

Anyway I see people on here get so excited when they lose like 30 pounds but I feel as if I weigh 250 (Don't know why it is that number) and have not made much progress. To make matters worse I tried to go on a "shopping spree" at the mall yesterday and all the clothes that were available were either juniors, size small, or size xxl. This made me feel like total crap and that I still have a long way to go. I still wear the clothes that I wore when I was 270 or clothes that were too small for me at the time and now are a bit baggy or moderately fit.

It took a skype session with my twin yesterday to see that I had lost a lot of weight. My question is, did anyone else feel this way when they lost a significant amount of weight? I feel like I am going through a series of "been there done that" so I am less enthused, is there a way that I can shake it off?


  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Holy hell girl! You've lost 100 pounds! You have changed your life. I'm sorry you don't see it visually. But I'm sure your health has change and I hope that at least gives you a sense of validation. In your photo, you look fantastic, strong, energetic. I hope your eyes catch up to the rest of you soon!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    That's a major accomplishment. Well done! Allow yourself to be happy about it.

    I've heard that many people who've lost a large amount say it takes time for their psyche to catch up with their new reality. They still see themselves as overweight for a long time.

    Don't worry about the clothes -- take your time and go to other stores and you will find what you need. You can even order online if it's hard to shop. Congrats again!
  • hatersgonahate
    hatersgonahate Posts: 52 Member
    I felt the exact same way, it took me seeing a picture that my grandmother took of me, to realize how much a lost. You've lost another person, you should be super proud of yourself!
  • Bridgetthegre
    Bridgetthegre Posts: 85 Member
    100 pounds is a LOT. You have got to start recognizing and celebrating yourself instead of finding ways to beat up on yourself. Imagine the fat fairy came and waved her wand at you 100 pounds ago and asked you if you'd like to POOF! LOSE 100 POUNDS!

    I bet you would have jumped at it.

    There isn't a fat fairy, unless she comes in a donut box, but there is something better. YOU. If you hadn't put in all this work, you would be 100 pounds heavier.

    So you aren't at your goal yet. You're 100 pounds closer than you would be if you hadn't been working on it.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I understand how u feel. I feel this way now. I have lost over 100 labs but have yet to be able to fit into smaller pants. However I have noticed I can do more.....I am sure u may feel the same.
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    Have you compared current pics to ones that you had at start? I don't always see it looking but trying on clothes that were tight that now fall off kinda helps me see it. Any way you look at it 100 lbs is a huge accomplishment!!! You must be moving better & feeling peppier!!!
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    100 pounds is a LOT. You have got to start recognizing and celebrating yourself instead of finding ways to beat up on yourself. Imagine the fat fairy came and waved her wand at you 100 pounds ago and asked you if you'd like to POOF! LOSE 100 POUNDS!

    I bet you would have jumped at it.

    There isn't a fat fairy, unless she comes in a donut box, but there is something better. YOU. If you hadn't put in all this work, you would be 100 pounds heavier.

    So you aren't at your goal yet. You're 100 pounds closer than you would be if you hadn't been working on it.

    Very well said!!!!
  • reankanesmom
    reankanesmom Posts: 132 Member
    I am sitting at 90 lbs loss I went from 271 to 181 and I feel the same way you do. I still see this huge huge person and even though I see smaller clothes and see the weight on the scale all I can focus on is the fact that I still feel and look heavy. I've seen photos and at times I will have a wave of holy crap come over me. I think it just takes some getting used to. You have done a great job keep on doing what you are doing more for the fact that you are getting healthier :)
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    I have not lost 100 lbs...but by the time I'm done...I will have.

    I am sorry you are struggling ...but that doesn't change the fact that you have indeed accomplished something extraordinary. You have lost not only the 100 lbs this time...but you lost the same 60...again.

    I don't know the answer to your issue...but it would seem taking your measurements...and comparing to when you began would be
    a great place to start.

    Perhaps you should do what my nutritionist did once..and trace your body on a bit piece of paper.... - that will show you a visual of your true size...not the one you are likely seeing in the mirror.

    It seems that your weight doesn't define who you are....and I think that's wonderful.

    However, not embracing your success for what it is...is detrimental to your long term happiness it would seem...so I hope you can do that going forward.

    Best wishes...and a big round of applause on your success to date.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    So this week marked my weight loss to 100 pounds. I have not been this weight since High School. This is the not the first time that I have lost a large amount of weight (last time was 60 pounds through a series of master cleanse and a bunch of random "diets") its just the second time that I have done it steadily and healthy like a normal person should. I have learned a lot more, taken classes, taken college courses, and participated in weight training believing that the more I learn the less likely I will have a relapse this time.

    Anyway I see people on here get so excited when they lose like 30 pounds but I feel as if I weigh 250 (Don't know why it is that number) and have not made much progress. To make matters worse I tried to go on a "shopping spree" at the mall yesterday and all the clothes that were available were either juniors, size small, or size xxl. This made me feel like total crap and that I still have a long way to go. I still wear the clothes that I wore when I was 270 or clothes that were too small for me at the time and now are a bit baggy or moderately fit.

    It took a skype session with my twin yesterday to see that I had lost a lot of weight. My question is, did anyone else feel this way when they lost a significant amount of weight? I feel like I am going through a series of "been there done that" so I am less enthused, is there a way that I can shake it off?

    I've lost almost 40 pounds and am finding myself in the same mind set as you.
    I look at pictures of myself then and now; and I don't see the 40 pounds gone. I know its not a lot in the scheme of things. I am a visual person, and I visual 4 ea 10 pound bags of potatoes and that is how much weight I've lost (well almost).

    So I read your profile page ... some great info there ... and advice to others:
    "If you get discouraged easily then do not add me
    If you want me to give you a detailed workout plan do not add me
    If you intend to abandon logging then do not add me
    If you are willing to get yourself out of the hole you dug then feel free to add me."

    You've lost 100 pounds! I looked at all your profile pictures and you look amazing. You may have done this before ... we probably all have been there and done that. You are in a slump. I am sorry. I understand the clothing thing. Perhaps, for now, show at a Lane Bryants (or some other full figured woman clothing store) and find some cute articles you can add to your clothing.

    Find it within yourself to pull yourself back up; you've been there and done that before and you can do it again this time. Make it happen for you (no one else)

    Good luck Beautiful Lady!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    You should be proud of yourself, losing 100 lbs is a huge big deal!! You have worked hard to get where you are at so give yourself a big pat on the back! :flowerforyou:

    Totally understand the clothing thing btw! So frustrating!
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Women's "sizing" is a funhouse mirror in woven form designed to mean as little as possible without frustrating people into using inches, which would result in unwanted consequences such as the end of "size" labels as a means of flattering customers into buying more. Why else have a single measurement getting tagged as three different things?

    Solution to the funhouse? Get a tape measure.
  • sirius951
    sirius951 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I just had a look at your before photo and the difference is incredible. Believe in the pics flower. You look great! Celebrate! Buy yourself something nice or get your nails done or something to say to yourself 'I did great!' Cos 100lb is a heck of an achievement by anybody's standards. It makes me sad to see that someone can do what you've done and not feel able too see the good you've done yourself and go 'Whoopee!' You have great strength of character to keep working so hard at it. I admire you :-) :-) xxx
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    You should be stoked! That is amazing!!!! I'm having a hard time just losing 30-40 pounds!!! Shoot just getting out of the 180's I have been at for over a year now is so discouraging for me, but I'm just trying to take it one day at a time, maybe switch up your workout or routine?
  • Bridgetthegre
    Bridgetthegre Posts: 85 Member
    It doesn't matter what size you wear. The store will never, ever, have anything in that size. It's a conspiracy.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    It doesn't matter what size you wear. The store will never, ever, have anything in that size. It's a conspiracy.

    Totally! That goes for shoe sizes as well! Soooo annoying.....
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    So when I first read the title of this thread I was like "100 pounds??? Holy hell girl, are you crazy?! YES you've accomplished something!!!"

    And then I remembered...I'm the same way. I've lost 70ish pounds and I have days where I feel like I've done absolutely nothing. So yup, I know exactly how you feel.

    One of the little things that helps me is to find those threads that are like "I've lost a bald eagle, what have you lost?" and compare my weight loss that way. Also, do a before/after. Find a picture of yourself at your heaviest and take a more current picture. Put them side by side and I *promise* you will see the difference!!!

    Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like, and/or a pm. Sometimes it's nice to just be able to talk to people who feel the same way. Hope I was able to help a little :)
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    It doesn't matter what size you wear. The store will never, ever, have anything in that size. It's a conspiracy.

    I'm beginning to think that this is a law of the universe :laugh:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I feel that way often with 60 pounds off, but I still have a long way to go. You're really close to goal. You must have moments where you're like...holy crap...I've lost 100 freaking pounds!? I go back and forth between those moments and the realization of how far I still have to go.

    Congrats, btw. You've worked really hard. Give yourself some credit.