Sodium in Recipe Builder

Mbee916 Posts: 1 Member
I entered a recipe in my food diary. The only ingredient with sodium is 1/2 tsp. salt. This is a four serving recipe - how in the world does the sodium come out to 4981 mg for one serving?


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Have you checked all the individual entries for accuracy?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    Most things have sodium..did you use any canned ingredients? Usually high sodium. Check to see where the error is.
  • aksoper
    aksoper Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having the same trouble. It's happened in 2 different recipes I've entered recently. I think part of the problem may be the sodium isn't being divided by the number of portions in the recipe. It's throwing my daily sodium numbers waaayyyy off. Glitch in the system?
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    there is one salt entry that has like 4000mg of sodium in the listed micros - that entry appears to be the default one