Hard restarting again,I'm so having the munchies right now.

I fell of the wagon a while ago,gained a lot back,much of that was stress and dealing with health issues along with anxiety and being depressed because I was feeling unwell and not working due to health. Im trying again,the last few days and I feel like I want to snack all the time.It's cold outside otherwise I'd find something to occupy myself like walking,or cleaning up the yard,but can't. While I was sick,I couldn't eat much,but was drinking lots of higher Calorie stuff,now I can eat,and I want to eat everything and anything,although I want to do better. I am glad I feel so much better,but now am dealing with the mess I go myself into,like weight gain. Any advise.


  • Jannelli76
    Jannelli76 Posts: 15 Member
    It can be hard starting all over but not impossible.
    I do a program call “30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond” it worked well for me. Here is a video, if you want to know more about it. It is not just to lose weight but to improve your health overall.

  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    I fell of the wagon a while ago,gained a lot back,much of that was stress and dealing with health issues along with anxiety and being depressed because I was feeling unwell and not working due to health. Im trying again,the last few days and I feel like I want to snack all the time.It's cold outside otherwise I'd find something to occupy myself like walking,or cleaning up the yard,but can't. While I was sick,I couldn't eat much,but was drinking lots of higher Calorie stuff,now I can eat,and I want to eat everything and anything,although I want to do better. I am glad I feel so much better,but now am dealing with the mess I go myself into,like weight gain. Any advise.

    Plan your meals around what helps you stay full. It's protein for some, carbs for others, fats for others. I've found with me when I'm eating regularly and keeping the meals pretty well-rounded I don't have the urge to snack. I can keep low-cal stuff in the house and I can have a bit and I'm good. Cutting things out completely doesn't work for me so I find ways to make the treats work in my daily calories. It's going to be trial and error a bit in the beginning, so just do your best and figure out what'll work for you. Just keep it to something you know you can stick to for life.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It takes a while to form new eating habits. Commit to logging your food intake for at least a month, stay consistently within your calories -
    that'll be enough time to make some process which should spur you on.

    All the best.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    edited March 2018
    Plan small snacks through the day, but have your meals at a lower calorie than normal to compensate.

    I don't eat breakfast to compensate for my snacking during the later part of my shift at work. I'm never hungry until roughly noon, so it works for me. Medium-sized 'lunch', snacking through shift after (makes me happier on days of overtime), then a large dinner later. It works for me, I stay within my calories (maintenance), and I adjust according to my hunger. If I feel hungry in the morning for some reason, I can split my snack in half. Half morning, half after lunch.

    ... I go into work with, I'm not kidding, about 1lb of carrots, apples, peaches, whichever floats my boat that day. Healthy snacks are bae.