Using app without cell phone service



  • jordanhillary
    jordanhillary Posts: 46 Member
    The easiest while camping is to use paper and pen. The batteries never go dead.

    Indeed they do not lol. But for example, I don't know how many calories are in 4oz of pork off the top of my head. Or how many calories are in 20grams of rice off the top of my head. MFP knows. Things with a label, I can log on paper but those without...I won't know without MFP's help.

    Pork is a bad example because it comes in a package. That one is easy. I was trying to think of non-packaged items. How about fruits and veggies! But... realistically, I am a creature of habit and mostly eat the same kinds of foods. I think they should all pretty much be in my history...
  • jordanhillary
    jordanhillary Posts: 46 Member
    edited March 2018
    The important thing is to stay in the habit both of logging and of being honest with yourself. You may not know how much is in a particular cut of pork, but you probably know that 4oz of meat is going to be 150-200 calories. Check the weight on the package, count the number of cuts.

    Using an exchange system will get you close enough for a week. How many veg do you usually eat? Fruit? Meat? Dairy? Fats? Do you usually eat dessert? Stick with that number while you are gone. It won't be exact, but the act of writing it down has been shown to be the important thing.

    I will have a solar generator so charging electronics(and rechargeable batteries) will not be an issue. Just no interwebs.

    What do you mean by using an exchange system? I mean, my macros are usually very consistent day to day but I eat all sorts of things to make them add up according to MFP's macro amount suggestions.

    The act of logging is not the issue. My issue lies with items that do not have a package with the nutrition facts/calories labeled. There is no way for me to know how many calories are in said item without packaging if they are not already in my history. I can weigh all day but without knowing the calories per gram etc I won't truly know how many calories I'm consuming.

    I think I'm going to be okay...I just had a bit of a freak out when I realized I won't be able to log exactly how I do these days, which is so simple. Sigh.