HFLC Vegan and Veg

Hello lovely people i am a returner to this site, and love it... but need help and support. I am trying the High Fat Low Cabs diet and am a Veggie, but really keen on becoming a vegan... I have found some interesting recipes, but need more to sustain me and keep me going. if anyone can help me, i would be very grateful. I want to lose about 2 stone, i have done most things, but my doctor put me on to this... she was raving about it... anyone else tried it?
I love to train and go to the gym daily, so i can motivate you too... just make contact and say hello...


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Vegetarian diets are naturally high in carbs. To eat healthily, you need a balanced diet. You can achieve that in an indefinite number of ways. Why are you aiming for as hard as possible? Ignorance, fear of authority, or just wanting to fail?
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited March 2018
    Get another opinion, any doctor who is "raving" about a specific type of diet isn't coming from it as a medical practitioner but as a zealot. There is no advantage to HFLC for weight loss purposes and how does she propose you do it as a vegetarian or vegan? I recommend you find a doctor or dietitian who works with plant based diets rather than a GP who has an obvious bias and probably has no clue how to make such a thing work for you.
  • rockymir
    rockymir Posts: 497 Member
    It's not impossible to do high fat in vegan, nuts are full of fat and soy isn't light on that side either. But they also contain plenty of carbs.
    Look 100g almonds contain 576 cals ok so you're not even one third of an estimated caloric intake and you ate nothing by volume because that's just a bit more than a handful. 49g fat, good. 21g carb. Bang! That is already more than enough in a HFLC diet.
    Definitely agree with the previous poster, don't overcomplicate your life.