22 Female Kissing Her Stomach and Thighs Goodbye

Good evening people of myfitnesspal! I'm Amanda from Pennsylvania! Three years ago I graduated high school and started my journey into the "real adult world." Yay me! well my journey started with my first ever job at a local market making cheesesteakes and hoagies for tourists galore. While I hate my job, the one true joy came from being able to eat whatever I wanted from the store. Soon enough I had my favorite meal perfect, a chicken cheesesteak with extra provolone cheese, pizza sauce, mayo, and pickles, please don't knock it til you try it, it is like a party in my mouth! Well of course eating those five times a week, and having money to go to Wendy's every day meant I began to gain weight. Of course, being a college student I was to busy studying my brains out to even notice I ever growing waist. It wasn't until the following summer when I tried to fit into a bikini did I notice the not so beautiful stomach and thighs I gained.

It was then I tried to being my weight loss, but I'll be honest I lack any sort of motivation. I am barley able to make time to study and get all my work done, let alone go out to the gym everyday! Well it's been three years now, and I went from being 145 in high school to a whooping 170. Now fifteen pounds may not seem like much, but I hate how I look in the mirror every day and hate what I see, and clothes shopping is a horrible experience. Buying shorts for the summer almost put me into tears as I felt like I could never find clothes that fit me and looked good. It took my wonderful boyfriend to convince me to just buy the shorts for now and I'll eventually fit into a smaller size.

So, with my boyfriend as my workout buddy, we have ventured forward into the hard and very sweaty world of hitting the gym. We joined Planet Fitness on Saturday and have been going every day since. It has been very hard experience for me ( the only way for me to run was to imagine a baconator from Wendy's in front of me) and I just wanted to quit after the second day, but he keeps pushing me to keep going and telling me to imagine what I'll look like once I drop the fifteen pounds. So I'm going to keep going not only to look good, but to be a more healthy me, and to make my boyfriend proud. I'm kissing my stomach and thighs good bye, and saying hello to a new Amanda.

If anyone has any tips or advice for me please let me know! I want to know anything and everything I can to make this the best weight loss experience possible.